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He stared down at the camera in his hands. He honestly had no care for the human but didn't wish to feel indebted, he was used to that feeling. For at least once in his life... he wanted to finish what he started. Sensing a presence nearing he placed it onto the ledge before going into his invisible state.

The door slammed open from her heavy breathing she sprinted up the stairs. He snickered to himself. She must've been VERY eager to see him again. He found it immensely pathetic but understood her, he was THE Mammon. It's inevitable to fall for his charm.

Her eyes squinted before approaching the camera on the ledge. A piece of paper landed on her shoe. She scanned the area before opening the note. "I don't owe you shit now, got it?" She scoffed in disbelief. Feeling amused by her reaction he was ready to leave.

Until her hand suddenly grabbed his sleeve.


"Gonna leave without saying goodbye?"

His face stayed frozen. With his back towards her, his eyes slowly moved in her direction. She was getting shy by his eyes just staring at her, "Um--"

"AHHHHH!" he slapped her away while screaming, "HOW CAN YOU TOUCH ME IN DEVIL FORM!?"

"So... you are a devil?"

Shit. Lucifer was going to kill him now. That was the one thing he begged him to avoid was getting exposed for his identity. He had to cover this up. "It was a joke! HAHAHA!"

"You're terrible at lying."

Feeling defeated he just groaned while facing the ground. This girl just created more and more problems in his life. He abruptly lifted his head and faced her. "Now that you know... you do realise I must kill you, right?" his gaze going between her and the ledge that brought them together.

She sighed deeply, not even freaking out, as she closed her ehss and extended her arms sideways. "If you must... make it painless at least--"

"You're psychotic, do you have some problem with your head?"

"Not my head, but yes"

He brushed off her comment. "So, did you notice me from the start?"

She shook her head, "I could only see you once I touched the camera."

He was stupid. The camera held the devil's essence meaning that it granted her the ability to see devils... "And so, what if I'm a devil? It's not like anyone would ever believe you" he smugly looked at her with the belief that he had won the self-made one-sided argument.

"Anyway, it was a mistake trying to be a good person for once, I'll leave--"

"Are you the type of devil who grants wishes?" His ears perked up at that question, he suddenly flashed a charming smile while looking right into her eyes. This was a win-win situation, he could fulfil his debt while simultaneously getting rid of a possible threat to his existence. "Now... you're speaking my language!"

His majestic figure gradually appeared closer and closer. His figure towered over hers. Only now did she fully realise the extent of his beauty. He had maintained a distance from her but from this angle it was undeniable... he was gorgeous. His broad shoulders, tiny waist, tanned skin, styled hair and stunning face. To her, he was the epitome of beauty.

She was so emersed by his features she hadn't noticed his hand on hers. "I can make your greatest wish come true... for a price, do you wish to form a bond?" His eyes slightly glowed. He felt satisfied knowing the human was wrapped around his finger.

Her lips parted as if her breath hitched.

Her tongue lifted.



"That was so corny!"

His once joyous expression was now replaced by gritted teeth and a twitching eye. "Did you... just laugh at me?"

"Aye, don't be upset~"

"I'm not upset!"

He cleared his throat realising how upset he sounded which in turn just made him more upset. "I'll have you know I'm an all-powerful demon who could make your life a living hell!"

"I thought it was called the devildom?"

"How do you--" He couldn't even bring himself to argue. He fell into a squatting position gripping at his white hair while groaning to himself.

Seeing how pathetic he looked she couldn't help but feel like she had taken the teasing a bit too far. "Stop that-- I was just joking—"

He sprung back up looking her dead in the eye. "I know, I'm just embarrassed at how much I told you... are you secretly a siren?"

She so wished to make fun of the fact she had no intention of getting him to spill... he just did it on his own accord. But seeing how close he was to having a breakdown she decided to be the bigger person and leave it. "It can't be THAT bad, I mean, like you said no one will believe me!"

"I bet Lucifer sent spies after me... I'm so dead if I go back".


"Someone slightly more of a psycho than you..."

Seeing his moments away from a break down she sighed. "Would you feel better if I told you a secret of mine?"

"What secret of a pathetic human such as yourself could make me feel better?" as she fell silent, he lifted his head back up at her, "But... I suppose it couldn't hurt to hear."

"I'll be dead in 3 months."

He stared blankly at her, even his blinks felt like slow-motion. "HUH!?"

She had her eyes widened. "Oh, I assumed you'd be fine with it... since you're not alive".

"So that's why I couldn't take away your years.... You didn't have one, to begin with!"

She then recalled that the old lady had mentioned that he tried to steal her life away. "So, you did try to steal my life? Why?"

"I don't owe you an explanation, human." His condescending tone returned. "Besides a year or two doesn't hurt anyone-- well, excluding you."

She laughed catching him off guard. Like she REALLY laughed. Slightly bent over, holding her painful stomach and tears in the corner of her eyes. "Sorry, I've never met anyone willing to joke about my illness... I like how honest you are, I appreciate it".

"Well, I don't appreciate you, you better not tell anyone"

"Not like anyone will believe me, they'll just think my meds have made me insane."

It fell silent between them. "Why did you want to know if I was a wish devil? Do you want to be immortal? Do you want a lot of money?"

"Why would I ask that from a devil in debt?"

"You're so funny!" his voice was riddled with sarcasm.

"Would you let me draw you?"


"I don't believe a camera could ever capture the essence of your beauty, but I think I could attempt to replicate your visuals in a drawing--"

"I only make deals with people who I gain something from, you don't have years for me to steal."

"What about money?"

"What about it? You're not rich, evidently." He scanned her up and down.

She took slight offence to that remark. "I have enough money... if it'll stop you from stealing years of life, I'll pay."

"Why would you?"

"A short life isn't something I'd either upon anyone."

"You're... so fucking weird."

Photograph | MammonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora