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"Do we seriously have to meet up in the hospital?" he immaturely whined while glancing around the room. It was the music room, there was an ominous piano in the corner alongside the long drapes that were as bland as the room.

"As if I'd bring a stranger home, who knows what you'll do?"

He stood there in utter disbelief at her audacity, "I'm the victim in our relationship!"

The door suddenly opened revealing all the elderly women. His posture instantly straightened at their presence. "Is everything alright in here?"

"Yes~" She cheerfully chimed to alleviate the resentment in their words.

"We're watching you scum."

The door closed which caused Mammon to release his subconsciously held breath. "Why are you so scared of them? You could easily end their life"

"It's not that simple-- Could you stop circling me like a fruit fly!? What are you even doing?"

"Trying to decide what art medium to do for my final piece, it isn't easy..." completely disregarding his comment she continued to circle him scanning him up and down without breaking eye contact.

Oh, how he wished to push her over and disappear back into the Devildom. But he needed to do this, just until she left his head. Once she did, he'd leave her without a moment of hesitation. His psychological debt would be fulfilled and he could focus on his actual debt.

"Should I do a nude?"


"Joke, it was a joke!"

"Jokes are meant to be funny," he huffed while avoiding her burning gaze. His skin felt hot at how her eyes shamelessly stared him down as if he wasn't aware of her presence but he was aware, very aware.

She clicked her fingers, he felt a wave of relief at the assumption she finally made her mind up. "Go into your devil form!"

"How do you even know about that?"

"I've seen enough tv shows" He scoffed. This girl seriously based the anatomy of his kind based off some fictional tv show?... He wanted to insult her but she was right.

"I bet you have a tail, some horns-- maybe even tenta--"

Seeing where she was going this her word he immediately cut her off, for his sanity. "I am not an item for your entertainment, you get what you see."

"That's fine, you're pretty enough."


"Why not? You're very pretty."


"Don't be embarrassed, pretty boy."

She usually wasn't this annoying. Well, at least she assumed she wasn't. She did enjoy teasing but with him, it was just so much more enjoyable. It was probably how easily he got agitated.

"Done for today!"

He looked at the paper.

He readjusted his perspective and looked at the paper once again. "That's it?"

She shot a glare at his judgemental comment. "It's a light sketch."

"UGH! This is going to take forever"

"I would rather take a photo and draw it but... you know, you're a devil" he felt like screaming at her for just saying it in the public's eye with no concern for him. But he acknowledged that in an area surrounded by old ladies with hearing aids, it was unlikely they could hear her.

"Thank you.." her voice trailed off at the realisation. She had never even asked for his name or anything about him.

"Mammon, that's my name--"

She squealed. "Did you read my mind with your powers!?"

"No, your face shows everything that goes on in your empty head."

"You seriously have no sense..." she said with a light pout.

"What is that supposed to mean?" His tone of voice becomes higher as he grew defensive at her comment.

"You could've lied to be seen as more impressive."

He smugly shrugged his shoulder, "What's more impressive than a devil?"

"A devil that could read my mind."


"I mean, do you not have any powers?"

"I have no reason to explain myself to a human of all things."

She smugly looked at him, "You don't have any abilities do you?"


Her expression changed into intrigued with her left brow slightly raised, "Wait, you suddenly looked really chic when you said that-- YOU DO HAVE POWERS"

Photograph | MammonWhere stories live. Discover now