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"FINALLY!" He groaned loudly while stretching his body. This was a 2-hour session so his legs hurt as much when Lucifer beat the shit out of him, which was more often than he wished to admit.

She attempted to gather the mess of her equipment scattered across the ground. On her knees, she gently placed each utensil into its allocated slot. It was organised by size and purpose for the most efficient use.

He began to play with the jewellery that adorned his slim fingers. "What... are you doing after this?"


Realising she wasn't paying attention he stepped his foot down onto the pencil she was about to pick up. "Don't ignore me."

"I apologise, sir." Despite her use of honorifics, her condescending tone ticked him off.

"Tch, forget it, I always regret attempting to converse with you" she giggled to herself at the distress showing in his voice.

"Not you"

His nose scrunched, "Huh?"

"You asked me what I was doing after this, and that was my response."

"...I don't know what pisses me off more, your response or the fact that you pretended to not hear me"

"I don't have much to do."

"What? No friends?"

"If I had friends, do you think I'd spend my time with you?"

"Fair enough" He glanced back over at her. "No friends... how about family?"

"Mammon, I appreciate you caring but are we close enough to talk about that kind of thing?" Her cold tone caught him off guard.

His eyes slightly widen from embarrassment. "It's not-- not like I actually cared, I just thought you wanted me to care!" he hated himself for his panicked responses because now he just embarrassed himself more.

Realising she killed the atmosphere she attempted to revive the conversation, "What about you?"

"Girls, money and fun."

His immediate response almost made her snort, it was such a forced response in an attempt to look cool but it made him look like a pathetic guy. "That's a shame, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out."

His ears perked up. "Well, I guess it wouldn't be bad to do something boring and pathetic for once-- you know, to escape from my already fulfilling life"

"But I wouldn't want to distract you from all the girls, money and fun..."

"S-stop mocking me!"

After about a 5-minute walk they arrived at the scene but she had excused herself to the toilet leaving him alone on the bench. It was definitely a beautiful view. He could imagine her dumbass making sketches without realising how much time she spent there and then getting flustered and rushing back home.

His imagination was so vivid he could genuinely see her. Her finger was on her chin as she pondered. Her stupid thumb extended upwards with her left eye closed to get her sketch's proportions right. How she would grip at her clothes in frustration and--



She was about to burst into laughter until she noticed a bright flash of light. There he stood with a dark aura surrounding him. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THAT?" his voice was deeper than before and there was a more threatening tone in his words.

He felt as if this was it. He scared the shit out of her, and how she was going to want nothing to do with him.

The more he looked at her he realised her eyes weren't wide from shock or fear... it was excitement? "You look... SO COOL!" he took a step back before covering his scaly face with his taloned fingers.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He couldn't cover the red ears that contrasted against his white hair.

"Dude, for real, you're enchanting..."

"You're insane-- and don't call me dude!"

"Do you mind if I draw you like this?"

With every step she took towards him, he took a step back, "I'm a hideous monster"

"To who? Not to me"

"Are you not... tired? You did just draw for 2 hours--"

"How could I be with this sudden wave of inspiration!?" he smiled to himself at her genuine passion, she really was an idiot.

"I'll turn into this state when you want, just take a break for today" Although he did want her to rest he was suggesting the break for himself.

The last thing he wanted to do was admit to her that his legs hurt. He could already imagine her sarcastic comment. "What an amazing demon you are!"

They sat in silence on the bench for a minute or two. Both of them were desperate to speak, but both were unable to find the right words. "Mammon, I'm sorry for earlier"

The sudden name drop made her words too serious, "You just have a weird eye for beauty"

"Not that, earlier" he seemed unaffected by whatever happened earlier since he genuinely could not remember, "I don't have parents but my younger brother is in the capital city"

He decided to not press on the absent parents."You also have a younger brother?"

She nodded, "He's working in the city as an accountant-- I think chartered?"

Just from her tone of voice, and genuine smile he could tell she raised him as her own. She sounded like a middle-aged woman reminiscing about their child. "And you?"

"What about me?" she said with a light head tilt.

He noticed she did that a lot. Her responses and reactions were very theatrical. Maybe it was too much. But he enjoyed them. They seemed very genuine as she didn't attempt to minimise her excitement, confusion or anger.

"You never wanted to study?"

"I never considered it, my main focus was making sure he got the chance he deserved-- besides, he's much brighter than me"

"As if that's difficult..."

"And you?"


"you forced me so I'll force you"

"It's not my fault your pathetic human kindness made you tell me--" Feeling her curious gaze on him he groaned. "Fine...I'm one of 7 brothers."


He chuckled, "Why does that shock you more than the fact I'm a devil?"

"Your mother must not be alright down there..."

"I'm not going to entertain your conversation... but yeah I've got 6 brothers."


"Second oldest"

She pulled the most animated shocked face, "That's even more shocking-- why are you so irresponsible?"

He gasped, "Fuck you-- you don't even know me!"

"That must be nice, you guys don't need parents you have your own little family... sometimes I feel bad for my brother he never had a male figure in his life-- not that it's necessary but it feels different."

he smiled to himself, "I bet my sister felt that way."

"Sister too!? Her life is either the best or the worst." she chuckled because when her brother always whined about how his life would've been better with a brother.

"It probably was" Hearing that word she decided not to press on the topic. She knew better than anyone what that word meant.

"So... still against the nude?"

Photograph | MammonWhere stories live. Discover now