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"Can you stop talking about your weird interest for one moment? I'd like to have a bit of sanity remaining when I go back home."

She pursed her lips, "Do you think devils are ...?"

He could see the genuine hesitancy in her expression, "Go on, nothing you say can phase me anymore."


"HUH!?" he was wrong, her words did in fact phase him.

"Think about it, devil falls in love with a human despite a-- guess what, million-year age gap, like they were probably human when their lover's great great great great great great grandparents were alive!"

"This is what you think about?"

"Probably side effects of my medications-- anyways I think it's paedophilic."

"I'm not a pedo--"

"Oh? That would suggest you're in love with a human-- and I wonder who that could be..." she teasingly fluttered her eyelashes towards him making him grimace and teleport away from her.

He suddenly grew a smirk and moved closer towards her, he got her attention at his sudden change in attitude, "Does that make the human a necrophiliac? A devil is a dead person, no?"

This time she was stunned, "You have a point—see, you're just as weird as me."

He then shivered, "You have really ruined me, I've never even said that word in my life—"


"Haha. I now miss the anime talk..."


"IT WAS A JOKE-- fuck, you sound just like Levi."


"One of my brothers"

"Your brother's into that stuff? When I die, could I meet---"

"NO!" his immediate response caught him off guard.

Why did he get so sensitive at the thought of her meeting his brothers? "I mean, t-that's impossible since he rarely leaves his room let alone the house-- and you're not going to the DevilDom I don't want to be trapped with you for eternity."

At the new topic, she grew curious about his family. What were they like? He rarely mentioned them so she just imagined them as variations of mammon with tanned skin and light hair, little did she know she couldn't be more wrong.

"What's wrong with meeting your family?"

"Then why don't I meet your brother?"

"It's different, you guys have nothing in common."

"You don't know that."

"he's a stick-in-the-mud accountant that works for a big corporation."

"And I love money, it's a match made in heaven!"

"Shut up, idiot..."

"It's not so nice thinking of me with your family, right?"

"Yeah, I'd feel too bad for him--"


With their nonsensical conversation, they made it to the apartment complex. It was nothing dingy, but nothing fancy it was painfully mediocre. No complaints but no compliments either.

"Where are you going?" she asked as he tried to pass the bag to her.

"You sure it's fine if I come in?" She couldn't help but chuckle at his gap Moe, despite the con-man appearance he was a well-mannered guy. "Pfft, don't be stupid, Kyle's fine with anyone who offers him food."

Photograph | MammonWhere stories live. Discover now