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The second he left, she moved towards the room that caught her attention immediately. It was a fancy study room with gold-encased items. She sees all the books, with the activated charm around her neck (gifted by yours truly) that were translated into English. Some of them were renamed classics as well as biographies with allegedly famous devils within the Devildom.

But what initially catches her attention is a gold-framed newspaper article.

'7 devils are labelled the leaders of the underground after capturing Cerberus' as she leaned closer to the article she has a feeling it was regarding Mammon and his brothers.

"Wow... Cerberus is real?" She honestly still couldn't fathom how distorted the world truly was. It was nothing like she expected... and it made her happy. It made her realise there was much unknown about existence and that made her feel more secure about her own.

"Who are you?" A strangely authoritative voice, a voice that made her feel a strange sense of fear and submission, bellowed.

She turned around and lightly gasped.

It was another hot guy!?

The man had black hair and red eyes. With pristine clothes and hair styled. She couldn't help but gawk at the beautiful man before her. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing weird!" She could help but giddily smile at the pretty man before her, despite how dangerous and scary he looked she was too blinded by his pretty face

"You saying that makes me feel like it is something weird..."

He stepped towards her without a slight sense of remorse or respect for the human. "That light gasp, the beads of sweat... your racing heart—tell me the truth, what are you thinking about"

"You want to know what I'm thinking?"

He stepped closer towards her, basically cornering her. "That is what I said... isn't it?"

His presence was very intimidating but she just felt interested. It reminded her of shoujo romances in which the bad boy with parental issues towers over the clumsy sweet girl to confess his feelings.

"Honestly?... you're really attractive"

The devil's smug expression quickly disappear. A mixture of anger, confusion, intrigue and disgust mixed on his face. "What?"

"Hey, you said to be honest"

The man was absolutely speechless, this type of shamelessness was a rare trait. "But--- you--"

"Man, I had a feeling that devils would be hot after meeting Mammon but fucking hell—I mean Devildom"

"Mammon?... ah, you must be THAT human" his expression was slightly disgusted.

"You know Mammon?"

"Unfortunately... I'm his elder brother"

She clicked her fingers with a slight point towards him, "Lucifer? Right?"

He was visibly unamused by her correct answer, "...I see he's spoken of me"

"Yeah, he said you were an ass--" her lips automatically purse a bit too late. "That's expected... that still doesn't explain why you are in my office"

"He had something to do, and I was bored"

"Not only are you stupid enough to speak honestly but you're also ludicrously reckless"

"I'm was just such a pretty room"

His expression softened at her words, " think it's pretty?"

"Yeah, the whole aesthetic and arrangement of items is very pleasant, whoever designed this place has clear designer abilities"

His chest slightly lifted with a sense of pride at her kind words, "I actually organised his room myself as well as many rooms in the house of Lamentation"

"That makes sense, you seem put together in your looks as well"

"I sense I've misjudged your character, you weren't trying to ridicule or harass me like Mammon usually does... you genuinely speak without a filter"

He softly smirked. "I misjudged your character, you have an eye for aesthetics"

"Well, I am an artist"

"Ah, yes Mammon mentioned that you were an artist, I don't know why you decided to waste your talent on that idiot"

"Mammon... talked about me?"

"Tch, when does he not? It feels like I already knew you before we even met—it's peculiar" She wasn't sure how to feel about this fact. Did she feel... bittersweet? Happy that she was on his mind but sad that he seemed to care about her.

Not having any more antipathy towards her he went on a tangent about the items in his office. He went into intricate details regarding where they were from, the reason for purchase or collection and the worth of the objects. She had the occasional thought about grabbing a few items and running away to pawn them but she was confident he wouldn't hesitate to end her life.

He was too caught up in his talk to notice she had wandered to the other side of the shelf. She noticed a very shiny gem on the shelf.

"What does this do?" She mumbled while reaching towards it.

"Wait--" The second she touched it, the device made a horrifying sound. He grabbed her collar and pulled her away.

A loud explosion occurred. Despite the force blowing her hair all over her face, all the items on the shelves remained intact.

A strand of Lucifer's black hair fell over his left eye as he slightly panted with a firm grip on her collar, "Foolish human..."

"LET GO OF HER!" Hearing Mammon's irritating voice he turned only to have his younger brother's fist collide against his jaw. He stumbled back releasing the human.

Mammon defensively pulled her behind him. "Wait Mammon--"

"I mean, i know you're a bit of an ass—but hurting random humans!?"

He sighed as he gently massaged his jaw. "Again. Wasting your talent on an idiot like him?"

Mammon blinked with a blank expression, "...Wha?"

"He wasn't hurting me, idiot"

Expecting gratitude and relief from the human he was astonished at her insult, "But---"

"She touched the gem" Mammon knew what he was referring to. It was a gem that Lucifer designed for Mammon to prevent him from stealing his items and pawning them.

"Oh—oh," the realisation of his fate hit him. "Wait, my respectable big brother, why don't we--"

She stifled her laughter with her hand as she passed the ice pack to Mammon. "How... do you feel?"

"Shut the fuck up"

His face was swollen from Lucifer's beating. "Don't be so rude to her, if it wasn't for her you might be dead"

"I thought you guys were already dead?"

"...anyways, you should take her back to the human realm, she shouldn't stay here for too long"

"Why don't you take her?" Mammon was sulky.

Lucifer rolled his eyes before facing the human who stared at him with googly eyes, "I can't say I enjoyed your presence, please don't come here again"

"Of course! You should come over to my place!"

"No" the two brothers simultaneously say.

"Actually the offer seems appealing at Mammon's refusal" 

Photograph | MammonWhere stories live. Discover now