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Jonah was saying goodbye... as she didn't want him to be there when she passed. He found it stupid, but he respected his sister's wish, even if it went against his own.

"I'll make you proud of me"

Her fingers playing with his locs of hair, momentarily froze, "...I'm already proud of you, you idiot"

"Then I'll make you MORE proud"

"Is that even possible?"

He cringed at their brief corniness, "I hate you"

"I love you--"

His body wraps around hers and she instantly melts into his embrace. It physically hurt her a lot, even talking was a burden on her degenerating body but she held it together to hold her baby brother. She almost forgot just how much bigger he had gotten, the little boy who used to run to her room at the sight of a spider.

Holding him in her arms.... he really did grow up.

She thought that realisation would hurt, but it was strangely comforting.

He was a grown man, capable of being fine without her.

They struggled to pull apart, but it had to be done.

"I'll see you when I come back, alright?"

She felt like crying seeing him ignoring reality once again. "Jo--"

"Fate plays weird tricks, there's no guarantee!"

He kissed her forehead with a cheerful grin as he physically forced his body to go against his desires; to never let go of her.

He found himself smiling seeing Mammon standing outside of the room, that devil really was loyal to his sister.

"...did you come here to say goodbye?"

"No, I came here to say hello"

His half-assed joke caused an awkward silence. "Mark, do you know why I came here initially?"

"How would I know?"

"Fair enough... my boss, he took a real liking to me, and he was planning on opening an art exhibit, and due to knowledge of my art experience he made me financial advisor for the place... and I was planning on recommending my sister's artwork"

"You're a good kid Jo..."

"As much as he liked me, I doubt he'd risk putting an unfinished painting of a nobody" he sighed deeply, "But... I've given myself a new goal"

"Is that so?"

"I'm going to earn a lot of money, open my own exhibit and showcase the art of all my loved ones"

"That's a good goal, little man"

Jonah surprisingly let Mammon ruffle his hair, "Don't act like my brother-in-law, that's gross"


"I see how obsessed you are with my sister, it's creepy"


As his chuckles begin to die down, his expression turns serious. "So, is this goodbye?"

"Is baby Jonah going to miss me?"

As Mammon's hand moved closer, he immediately slapped it away. "Fuck off, man"

"Well, I won't stay here... but I'll probably have to come and visit you"

"Have to?"

"Forget who your sister is? she'll kick my ass, literally, until I give her reports on your well-being, and she'll be in peak physical condition in the afterlife!"

Photograph | MammonWhere stories live. Discover now