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He told himself that the human didn't matter to him. And she did not.

But her words affected his business, so now he had to care.

Mammon considered if he should've let her die before remembering that she wouldn't have died regardless of what he did. Maybe he should've just pushed her off instead. He was determined to stand on this rooftop for as long as needed to reunite with that psycho. "Sir, you shouldn't stand outside in this cold!" But the nurses were biting at his ass.

"I'll be fine!"

"You've been there for 3 hours, it's not good for you!" he sarcastically thanked the woman before entering back inside.

The cold never bothered him anyway.

He wasn't alive so he didn't feel the cold. He just felt nothing externally in the human world.

As the nurses lead him down the hallway, he found himself intrigued by the commotion occurring. "You are so talented..."

"It's not me, I just have a great model"

The women swooned at her sweet comments, "You must be a real heartbreaker, a pretty face and pretty words is a deadly combination".

"I wish my grandchildren were more like you, they just waste their life watching these cartoons and YouTubers..."

"Not everyone in this world can be perfect!" their laughter filled the halls. He was about to walk past until he realised who it was.

Her. The psycho.

"YOU!" his loud exclamation killed the mood making them look at him.

Like an animated character, his mouth was agape as he pointed at her.

"Is he... your boyfriend?"

"God, no!" she defensively spat.

Sighs of relief fill the room, "Expected, you're too good for him."

"If he's not your boyfriend-- is he bothering you?" without letting her explain they instantly shot him dirty looks as he gradually approached her.

His hand reached out for her arm, "Human, let's talk--" He winced at the unexpected sharp pain on his hand.

The old lady in the centre twirled the cane that hit him, "Oi Mister, we may look old but we sure as hell can take you down" He gulped. Old women terrified him. They were identical to the witches who made his life he'll and that's coming from a devil. His breath hitched. He glanced over at her with a cry for help in his eyes.

"Grannies, he's... someone I know, don't worry".

"He looks like a con artist with that clearly fake gold around his neck-- call us the second he tries something."

"I assure you that won't--" Mammon finds his voice caught in his throat as their judgemental gazes pierce him.

"Was I talking to you?" He shook his head before bowing apologetically.

She cleared her throat trying to stifle her laugh at how cute Mammon looked getting scolded by the grandmas. "Come on, follow me"

As they made their way down the hospital he was surprised at how many people recognised her. Everyone talked to her kindly with disappointment for her recent lack of visits.

She noticed him staring at her. "I know I'm pretty~" she held her face in a flower pose while fluttering her eyelashes dramatically.

"Fuck off, I never imagined you could mask your insufferable personality".

"Trust me, you have not seen my worst".

He slightly smirked, "So, why do they like you so much?"

"I take their photographs."

"Aye, you seriously expect me to believe that? You're like a god to them."

"I take their... final photo."

He suddenly fell silent making her feel guilty for being too blunt, "So, are you gonna tell me or--"



"You've been in my mind nonstop!"

She slowly blinked trying to process his words, "I'm sorry... but I'm not interested in dating, you know because of the illness

He instantly grimaced at her response, "I wasn't hitting on you!"


"I'm just really pissed off at you."

Waiting for her response he spared a glance, but she appeared more interested in the floor. "Do you seriously have nothing to say?"

"Sorry for making you think I was suicidal-- What do you want me to do?"

Her sarcasm was getting on his nerves, but he didn't have the energy to argue with someone who made no sense. "You're going to make sure you're out of my head once we're done with this."

"I can't help being so memorable."

"You're more like a parasite feasting on my brain."

"You have a brain? That was unexpected".

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're stupid."

After a series of insults and unreasonable brainstorms, Mammon finally came to a conclusion.

"You wanted to draw me, right?... Let's do it".


He was taken aback by the human's sudden enthusiasm. He could see the sparkle in her eye form. "You wanted to draw me that badly?"

"I don't just ask to draw anyone."

Why... was that so flattering!? Is it due to her sincerity?

He cleared his throat to mask his blush. "I'm already regretting this."

"Give me one month, alright? I need to perfect this".

"Take your time".

"Not like I have much."

Photograph | MammonWhere stories live. Discover now