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She sighed as the ringtone she set to a number she intended to avoid was continuously playing. She had no intention of answering it until it began to disrupt her activity, she angrily grabbed the device holding it between her ear and right shoulder, "Why are you calling me so much!?"

"Because i love you~"



"Ugh, what!?"

"My dear friend... I'll miss you" Kyle dramatically stated.

The sudden tone shift caught her off guard, he usually called her to burp or fart into her ear. "Huh? Don't waste my time, I'm trying to fish"

"Fish? Are you not home?"

There's a momentary silence as if she's embarrassed to mutter the following words, "...on Stardoo"

"I'm almost regretting trying to save your life..."

"Yeah, yeah-- WHAT"

"I think someone's trying to break in"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU OPEN WITH THAT" She sat up from her bed scanning the area, "Stop playing around with me..."

"Okay, so I put those home security systems, right?"

"Right..." She had no idea but had no desire to question it.

"And I've received notifications for like 30 minutes that there's someone outside-- "

"Maybe it's a squirrel?"

"Yeah a squirrel just running back and forth for 30 minutes use your head woman"

"Well it's not a thief"

"How do you know?"

"Mate we can barely afford eggs--"


She pulled her phone away from her ear at the sudden volume increase. "What if they attack me?"

"I'd miss you?"

"Fuck you, if you're so worried then call the police"

"I can't just call them... what if it's nothing serious?"

"Why can't you have that mindset before calling me?"

"Why do you have a response to everything?"

"Cause I'm amazing--" At the abruptly ended phone call, she tried to resume the game but couldn't shrug off the discomfort. What if someone was trying to break in? Unwillingly, she decided to check the front door. But not without a trusted weapon to save her in the worst-case scenario, she clutched the object in her hand as she approached the door.

With a breath held in her chest, she forced the door open.

Immediate relief washes over her body. "Fucking hell-- I thought you were a thief"

"... A fork?" Mammon gestured to the 'weapon' in her hand.

She tossed it to the side, "Why... are you here?"

"I-- Actually why am I here? That is strange..." She viscerally cringed at his pathetic attempt at acting. "I'm assuming you're not busy..."

"You don't know me"

"Come in, let me draw you"

Time passes and they were in dead silence as he held his position and she continued on the portrait. It was suffocating for both of them, each of them wanted to speak but neither of them could bring themself to do so.

Feeling his gaze on her she was sure she would make a mistake, "So, you gonna just be a creep or tell me why you're here?"

"Right-- human."

"Yes, I am a human"

He quickly rolled his eyes at her unnecessary retort, "You... seriously have no desire to use the pact we formed?"

With an expression that showed she held no thought in her mind... "Oh, I almost forgot"

"You forgot--" he exhaled deeply to contain his frustration with the human. "Do you know how many humans would die for an experience to control a powerful devil such as myself?"

"I don't need the pact, you do as I say anyways"

"That's not--"

"Stop." Like a reflex, he naturally followed her command. "See?"

He moved with a flushed expression. "Shut up! But still... no dreams, no wishes? You're either lying to me or incredibly stupid"

"I suppose there's one thing..."

His ears perked up. "Take me to hell!"

"It's the devildom—and you'll be going there soon anyways"

"I want to see it from an artistic perspective, maybe it'll give me enough ideas for my art piece"

"Huh? You're still not done?"

"Fuck you-- I haven't decided on the background!"

"I thought artists were meant to be creative..." he stated with a smug expression, he'd never give up an opportunity to make fun of her.

"And I thought devils were meant to be charismatic, charming, intelligent and--"

He snickered, "Good to know that you do get sensitive at times"

He suddenly leaned in closer with a smirk, "I can't help but notice you didn't mention my looks"

"Why are you acting surprised? I've been calling you hot since the moment I saw you" she stated with a blank expression.

With a more upright posture, he crossed his arms with eyes closed to show contentment with her words that he viewed as flattery, but in reality, she just lacked the filter to not say what was on her mind, "I suppose... an hour wouldn't hurt--"


"I'm running errands and you're only staying in my house, got it?"

"Yep, yep-- what's the climate like?"


"For my clothes, duh"

He scanned her up and down, "You look... okay"

"No, I need to make a good first impression"

"To me?"

"Do you know what first means? I meant your family"

He scoffed, "You're not meeting my brothers"

"What? Why not?"

"Because I said so?"

She stood before him, mouth agape. "That's so unfair-- you met my brother"


She dramatically gasped holding her face. "I thought he was your best friend..."

"You're not funny--"

"How am I meant to break the news to him?"


Photograph | MammonWhere stories live. Discover now