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When both of us, I and Himawari, reached the bus, we noticed that the front door of the bus was wide open. What is this? Why am I getting some bad vibes after seeing this? Is something going to happen, huh, if I enter the bus, hmm?

I know this is the most normal thing for every bus to remain at the front door if it is idly standing or for the sake of passengers to enter the bus effortlessly. But still --

I shouldn't sweat too much about this, or we will be late for school. But --Oh, right. Why don't I send Himawari first, but what if something wrong happens to her, then --



"W-we should enter or we might be late for the school."

"Yes, let's enter together. Shall we?"


When she agreed to me by obediently nodding her head, we entered the bus together. I took a deep breath as I entered the bus because I had a hunch that something would happen inside.

And it did happen.


"Oh, you two take your seat, or everyone present here, including me, get ready to be lectured by teachers."

"Y-yes. R-Ren, do you want to sit together?"


As we both took one step inside the bus, the driver of this school bus asked us to take our seats, or else we would be late. Good Grief.






As soon as I got to view the inside of the bus, or to be precise the students sitting there, my mind immediately thought of an absurd idea because my hunch again came true. The hunch was that there might be any heroine present here on the bus, and here I was standing looking at all the four heroines, who were my classmates sitting idly while radiating some dark aura that seemed to be full of jealousy as well as the look of discontent. Well, well.

'Do I have any power which increases the chances of my hunches to become true?'




"R-Ren, w-what is going on here?"

As I was thinking about whether me having any sort of power or not, the girl sitting behind me, who was still holding onto my hand like she didn't want to let go of it, asked me this question and it did bring my mind back here.

And when I was going to answer her question, I turned my face to her side to notice that she was shivering a bit... Is she terrified by someone, present here? No, right? Or --

No, maybe the most appropriate reason for her acting like this is because of the intense gaze she is getting from some people sitting here, or one can say, my heroines.

Well, I know why are they jealous, it's because I am with another girl, moreover holding hands with her. But what can I do here? I am trying to break free but her grip is so strong that if I try to use force on her then she might get hurt... Tch. Himawari...

So, here I am still holding her hand even though we are sitting on the bench. Good grief.

I might get to see some 'action' soon, no maybe on this bus or if I get some time from this then in the class... But I just wish that there would be no --

AFFECTION SYSTEM: CONQUER THE HEROINESWhere stories live. Discover now