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On a clear day, a girl was walking on a street full of people. She looks extremely happy for the mere reason that she gets attention from many students in her school, including her classmates. Today, most of her classmates approached her, and some of them even tried to become her friends, especially the boys.

She is this happy because --

She had always had trouble adjusting to her school because of her looks, which included black hair in two braids and rectangular-shaped spectacles, from the day she started middle school till now.

She just looked like a typical nerd, and she was. She has no friends, is not good at studies, is not good at interacting with others, and gets easily bullied by others. She also dislikes idols or famous people because she knows she can never become like them.

But today, in high school, her thinking somewhat changed because she changed herself for the better, and it only happened because of her mother. And she is very grateful to her mother as she was the one who came up with this brilliant idea.


After some walking, she stopped at a bookstore to buy her favorite novel. She started reading this novel last month but became captivated by this as soon as she started reading it.

When she entered the bookstore, everyone present inside turned their faces to take a peek at her— Mostly men, though.

'He' was also one of them.


She walked toward the counter to ask about the whereabouts of the novel she wanted to buy. The guy standing there has a creepy expression on his face, but he does not do anything weird; he answers her question about where the novel is. She thanked him and went to the specified shelf.

"Oh, here it is."

She muttered this under her breath as she spotted her favorite novel on a full shelf of novels. She quickly grabbed the book and held it. Just as she turned her body, someone called out to her.

"Hello there..."


When she felt someone was standing just beside her, she turned her face in his direction. There stands a guy who is about 20 years old, or around that age; he has blonde hair and has the nastiest features on his face.

The girl found this guy handsome and charming because her heart started beating just after hearing his voice and looking at his face. He has a smile on his face, which she finds attractive enough that it makes her not see directly into his eyes.

"Um, etto, um..."

"Haha... So cute..."

The girl again tried to say something to the guy, smiling brightly at her, but due to her nature, she did not find the courage to say anything. To which the guy replied by calling the girl a cutie.

This whole thing caused the girl to blush very badly; she started to look down at the ground; her whole face turned red like a tomato. She sometimes takes a peek at his face while looking down.

Watching this expression of the girl,  the guy's smile suddenly turned into a devilish smirk, but the girl didn't even notice that.


"Well, cutie, let's go somewhere else. There are many people here, and the number of people is also growing rapidly. So, shall we?"

"Um... O-okay"

The girl paused for a second to think about whether she should go with him or not, but when she saw his smile once more, she gratefully accepted his offer. Her heart flutters every time she looks at him. She knows that it's not good to trust any stranger, but in her mind, she thinks that the guy beside him does not seem bad. So it's fine.

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