The Quest for Executive Supremacy | 002 |

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──❝The Quest for Executive Supremacy❞──


In the stillness of the night, the moon cast a gentle glow over the landscape. The silver light filtered through the partially open drapes of a window, creating a soft and ethereal ambiance in the room. Shadows danced on the walls, adding an air of mystery to the scene. The overlapping of car horns and distant sirens outside provided a stark contrast to the tranquility within. In the quiet and peaceful bedroom, the occupants rest quietly, their breathing slow and serene. The moonlight illuminated their peaceful expressions, revealing a sense of contentment and serenity. 

[Y/n]'s peaceful slumber was abruptly shattered by the shrill ring of her phone, cutting through the tranquil silence of the room. As her groggy eyes fluttered open, she realized she was still safely enfolded in Leon's strong arms. The moonlight cascaded softly through the half-drawn curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. Shadows danced across the walls, creating an ethereal atmosphere. She rubbed her eyes, trying to focus on the shapes around her, and felt a sense of grogginess linger in her mind. Leon lay beside her, deep in unconsciousness, his breathing tranquil and shallow. He rested on his stomach, one arm securely wrapped around [Y/n]'s waist, anchoring her close. The other arm dangled carelessly off the edge of the bed, as if reaching for something unknown in his dreams. The blanket falls loosely over his lower half, revealing his bare back, which flexes as he stirs in his sleep.

Begrudgingly, [Y/n] untangled herself from Leon's gentle hold, careful not to disturb his fragile slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she instinctively groped for her device, fumbling to find it on the nightstand, the source of the intrusive ring that had interrupted their peaceful moment together. Finally grasping it, she squinted at the screen to see who was calling at such an ungodly hour. Her heart skipped a beat as a familiar caller ID flashed on the screen. Ingrid Hunnigan. [Y/n]'s mind was still foggy from the deep sleep, but she could feel the weight of an urgent matter pressing down on her. She muttered to herself, trying to clear the cobwebs from her thoughts. "God, what could she possibly want at this hour?" she thought to herself.

Without hesitation, [Y/n] swiped to answer the call, the device hummed in her hand, as the sound of her own breath mingling with the distant hum of passing cars outside her apartment. "Hello?" she said, her voice still thick with drowsiness. Hunnigan's hushed voice responded, her urgency cutting through the darkness. The urgency in her friend's voice was unmistakable. The voice on the other end confirmed her suspicions. "[Y/n], it's important. You and Leon are urgently needed at the White House. Someone had breached highly confidential computer files, and your expertise is required to resolve the situation."

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