Love under the Influence of Insobriety | 015 |

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──❝Love under the Influence of Insobriety❞──


As [Y/n] emerged from the bathroom, the door groaned behind her, its hinges emitting a forlorn moan that seemed to reverberate through the quiet corridor. She abruptly halted, her gaze fixated on two familiar faces that had materialized at the entrance of the hotel. Without a moment's hesitation, she confidently strode towards them, eager to greet her friends. "Chris! Rebecca!" Upon [Y/n]'s arrival, Rebecca and Chris's faces contorted into expressions of stunned disbelief, as if they had just witnessed a miracle unfolding before their very eyes. Excited and bewildered, Rebecca's voice crackled with a mixture of emotions as she posed the question. "[Y/n]? Is that really you?" Chris, unable to utter a single word, stood rooted to the spot, his mouth agape, his eyes transfixed on [Y/n]'s face, as if he was trying to absorb every aspect of her appearance in that moment. "In the flesh." 

"What are you guys doing here?" [Y/n] asked, with furrowed brows and curiosity evident in her voice. Chris took a deep breath and glanced at Rebecca, who stood beside him, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "We came to talk," Chris replied, his tone cautious yet determined. [Y/n] could sense the gravity of the situation, feeling the weight of the upcoming conversation. Turning towards the room where Leon had barricaded himself, [Y/n] reluctantly motioned for Chris and Rebecca to follow. As [Y/n] edged closer, her eyes wandered towards the empty bottle of liquor that sat there, mocking her. She couldn't help but wonder if Leon had been drinking while she was gone, and if so, how much he had managed to consume. The thought made her stomach churn, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her. She didn't spend too much time in the bathroom. In the interest of avoiding a confrontation and maintaining a peaceful atmosphere in front of Chris and Rebecca, she decided to keep her thoughts to herself.

Leon's eyes remained glued to his nearly empty glass, as the group entered the bar, failing to acknowledge their arrival, instead choosing to wallow in his melancholy, lost in thought. "Be careful you don't scare the locals. Your stealth's for shit." Leon warned, his voice low and serious. "It's a little early to be that deep in the bottle, Leon." Chris's voice retorted, with a hint of annoyance in his tone. Leon rolled his eyes in an exaggerated manner, dismissing Chris's comment with a scoff. His gaze met theirs, and for a moment, darkness flashed across his eyes, a reflection of his internal turmoil. "Well, look who it is. The BSAA's golden boy and Dr. High Hopes." Leon let out a humorless chuckle.

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