Jason's Unwavering Resolve | 009 |

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──❝Jason's Unwavering Resolve❞──


Leon, [Y/n], and Shen May returned to the United States with a sense of urgency, determined to apprehend Jason and put an end to his destructive path. They had received a tip that Jason was hiding in a top-secret facility deep in the heart of Andrews Air Force Base. The tension in the air was palpable as they approached the heavily secured entrance. The tunnel loomed before them, encased in a towering concrete wall. Spotlights cut through the darkness, casting an eerie glow on the surrounding area. "Jason said Wilson has a fully equipped lab down here. It's where he develops his bioweapons." Shen May informed. They dashed through the lit tunnel, their footsteps pounding in the enclosed space like thunder. "Right under everyone's noses. Typical." As they stepped through the imposing metal doors, they were met with a deafening silence that seemed to echo through the abandoned halls. The air was heavy with a peculiar, almost metallic scent, which only heightened their apprehension. The flickering lights above cast eerie shadows on the peeling paint of the walls, further adding to the foreboding ambiance.

Pushing open a heavy door, they entered a vast laboratory illuminated by pulsating red emergency lights. The room was filled with a daunting array of scientific instruments, around which various personnel had been working diligently before chaos ensued. Now the room was deserted, save for one figure writhing in agony. There, in the center of the room, stood Jason, no longer recognizable as the person he once was. His body had undergone a grotesque transformation, with limbs elongating and muscles bulging in a disturbing manner. His skin, engorged with pulsating veins, took on an unnerving shade of sickly green. The raw power emanating from him was tangible and threatened to tear the room asunder. [Y/n]'s hand hovered instinctively over her holster, her countenance reflecting determination and concern.

Wilson, badly injured, found himself wedged against a tank with an unconscious super soldier inside, trying desperately to regain his breath. Moisture gathered on the chilly glass as he strained to break free. "That's not good." Leon whispered to [Y/n], squeezing her forearm to draw her closer to him. Suddenly, the computer monitoring the facility's safety protocols detected a potential biohazard. Without hesitation, it began releasing tanks of unconscious super-soldiers, one by one, into a vat of highly corrosive acids to neutralize the threat.

Jason finally ceased his merciless hold on Wilson and cruelly tossed him aside like a ragdoll being thrown across the room. Wilson crumbled with a groan, his body contorting in pain against the rough surface of the grate. The terror in his eyes was palpable, and it was clear that there was no justification for the violent outburst. Although tears streamed down his face, Jason seemed to be utterly indifferent to his well-being. It was then that [Y/n] noticed the crimson stain spreading from his neck, a telltale bite mark visible on his skin. As Secretary Wilson stumbled away, clutching his injured neck, Leon, [Y/n], and Shen May quickened their pace toward the mutated Jason. "I'm gonna to end this. I'm gonna go up there and show myself to them. To the world." Jason shouted with vehemence, raising his voice above the sound of the bubbling acid. He was losing control. Spit bubbled at the corners of his mouth. "And then, this, this torture chamber...Everything, it's all gonna burn." 

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