The Chronicle of Captivity | 021 |

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──❝The Chronicle of Captivity❞──


As Leon raced through the city streets on his powerful motorcycle, the cool wind whipped against his face, making him feel alive and invincible. He was fueled by a sense of purpose and a determination to put an end to the chaos that had engulfed the city. The dogs that had been infected by the mysterious virus were no longer a concern for him, as he had taken care of them on his way to Arias' hideout. He was ready to confront the mastermind behind the destruction and bring an end to the reign of terror that had gripped the city. His expression softened at the thought of things going back to the way they were with [Y/n]. It was a small glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak situation. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he prepared to face the inevitable. The sound of his engine filled the empty streets with a melody of determination and resolve. But as he rounded a bend, his eyes widened in shock and horror at the sight that awaited him.

There, amidst a chaotic sea of flames, stood a familiar sports car. Its sleek curves and distinctive color instantly drew his attention, and his heart sank. The acrid smell of burning rubber permeated the air, mingling with the roar of fire devouring metal and glass. The scene was nothing short of a nightmare. Without a moment's hesitation, Leon's instincts kicked into high gear. He slammed on the brakes, the screeching tires leaving behind dark skid marks on the asphalt. Leon swiftly dismounted from his motorcycle, his eyes never leaving the catastrophe before him. The intense heat from the flames licked at his skin, but Leon paid it no mind. His only focus was on reaching the wreckage, on finding any sign of life amidst the fiery chaos. The billowing smoke obscured his vision, yet his determination remained unshaken. 

As he moved closer, the details of the ruined sports car emerged through the smoke. The once vibrant paint, was now charred and peeling, and the shattered windshield, and the twisted metal all bore witness to the violent collision that had taken place. But what caught his attention the most was the undeniable sense of familiarity emanating from the wreckage. Within the remnants of the car, Leon's heart sank even further. "[Y/n]!" Leon shouted, his voice strained with desperation. He desperately scanned the wreckage, hoping to catch a glimpse of [Y/n]'s familiar face. 

But amidst the despair, a realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. [Y/n], his beloved wife, was missing. As if a puzzle were rapidly falling into place, Leon understood the gravity of the situation. The sports car was set ablaze, serving as a sinister sign that someone had taken [Y/n] against their will. "Arias!" It was as if a raging storm had taken hold of his very being, and he was its unwilling victim. The emotions that surged through him were like a torrent of water, washing away all rational thought and reason. His heart was pounding, his breaths were coming in short gasps, and his body was tense with anticipation. It was as if he were a ship tossed about on a stormy sea, buffeted by the fierce winds and crashing waves. 

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