The Art of Choosing | 017 |

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──❝ The Art of Choosing❞──


[Y/n] hurried through the corridor, her heart pounding in her chest. She stomped up to the bar, her shoes pounding against the ground with each step as she fought to regain her breath. The sun-dappled corridors stretched out endlessly as she sprinted towards her destination. Perspiration ran down her forehead like rivers, leaving a trail of glistening droplets in its wake, mingling with the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She needed to inform Chris and Leon about Rebecca's kidnapping. "Chris! Leon! Rebecca has been..." Her words were abruptly silenced in her throat as she turned the corner into the room, her eyes widening in shock, and she froze in her tracks. There, before her, was Leon, pinning a rugged-looking man to a weathered pillar. His grip tightened around the man's shirt, and his face contorted with anger. "Leon! Stop!" [Y/n] exclaimed, rushing forward to intervene. But her words fell on deaf ears as the intense confrontation between Leon and the stranger consumed all their attention. The rugged man struggled against Leon's fierce grip, his eyes brimming with a mixture of fear and desperation. He looked at [Y/n] pleadingly, his voice trembling as he gasped for air. "You must help me! They took my family! Please!" he pleaded, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos.

Leon landed a swift, punishing punch to the man's abdomen, causing him to double over and slide down the weathered pillar. "What do you want?!" Leon demanded, his muscles taunting and his nostrils flaring with anger. The man writhed in pain, his hand clutching his midriff as if to shield himself from a blow, unable to form a coherent response. As [Y/n] edged closer, the rugged man's pained mumbles trailed off into desperate gasps for air. Then it finally clicked. The man who had sold out Leon and his unit stood before them, his face a mask of cowardice. This was the man who had orchestrated Leon's downfall, who had destroyed his team, and now stood at Leon's mercy. The revelation had been a bitter pill to swallow, but upon witnessing the man's desperation, she couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy. "Please. You're the only one I know from the DSO. It's my family. You've got to save them."

"What?" Leon questioned, eyebrows knit together in confusion. Leon inched closer, his grunt conveying a sense of threat, which caused the already terrified man to shudder in fear. "My wife and my daughter are in Spain. An arms dealer is getting the surviving members of Los launch a large-scale bioterror attack. I know too much. They're going to kill me and my family." [Y/n]'s heart clenched in her chest as she listened to the man's frantic plea for help. [Y/n] was about to speak, but before she could, Chris seized the man by the lapels of his jacket and hoisted him up, pinning him against the pillar. A muffled protest escaped the man's lips. "Chris." protested [Y/n] "Let him go." [Y/n] pleaded, her voice filled with concern. She could see the desperation in the man's eyes and worried that using force would only worsen the situation. "Stay out of this." Leon's voice sounded harsher than intended as he spoke to her. [Y/n] glared at him and took a step back, hurt by his dismissive tone. [Y/n] recognized that he was acting in her best interest, but she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that came from the fear in the man's eyes.

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