Ch.16: Twin flame

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Ch.16: Twin flame

I draw my Stick-Wand slowly from my left hip pocket, and assume a fighting ready stance, knees bent in a defensive position.

"He knows too much, I say we turn him into a witch's brew right here and now!" Roy's intensity lowkey fires me up. Agreed, a soul for the record books, I add.

Ares let out an audible gulp. "WAIT.. Let's strike a deal?..." Ares yelps, holding his arm out. I still can't figure out how, but he heard what Roy and I just said, his fear is rapidly increasing, he's trying so hard to hide it."Please?..." He grunts, eyes darting between Mrs. ICE and I, waiting for her to commence the duels.

"Decline! Let the SLAUGHTER BEGIN!" Roy screeches, making me wince.

"Please!" Ares' voice cracks, panic pouring out of him like Raini-Janes' tears, and for the first time his poker face cracks revealing horror, fear, and worst of all embarrassment.

"Pffft. Haha." I let out a small chuckle, lowering my guard.

"Please strike a deal with me." He asks again during my moment of vulnerability.

"Fine, but what's in it for me? I'm not much of a gambler." I can tell he's not up to anything sinister so I have no reason to not hear him out.

"No, but you certainly are a risk taker...And a cheater, but it's kept you alive this long."

I let the insult slide, I'm no stranger to hurtful truths, "What's in it for me?" I repeat once more.

"Pushy, pushy. If you beat me, I'll tell you everything you want to know, what I've heard your little buddy say..."

"LITTLE BUDDY! DECLINE! Roast him alive LyFyre!" Roy roars in my head.

"Please, I can help you..." He switches his attention back to Mrs. ICE, seeing that now she is being pestered by Tracey, who's throwing a fit over not having her side of the bracket compete first. Ares sighs, "I'll tell my brother to lay off the small one... We won't be a problem anymore. Plea-"

"What makes me think he'd listen to YOU!" I hiss, "We've seen you attempt to stop him multiple times. You just get shoved aside like a dirty old broom. Ha. You're not even strong enough to stand up to him for yourself, let alone others." I raise my Stick-Wand again, the battle should start any moment now, leave it to Tracey to indirectly ruin everything! AGAIN! I grip my wand tighter, and slightly bounce at the knees.

"No, but you are. You're strong enough." Ares now taking full advantage of his conveniently bought time.

"And risk injury or death? NO DEAL!" Roy pushes.

"No deal, I can't risk it. Prepare yourself." I echo.

"BUT AUNTYYYY! Why are you letting LoserFyre fight first! NO FAIRRR!" Tracey's brattish behavior is sickening, and the second hand embarrassment of being her self proclaimed best friend hurts.

"I can tell you how to beat him...Well, beat us. Our magic works the same, I've been studying really hard... I'm close.. Please. But I won't fight my own brother... I still lov-"

"Fine!" My stern response causes him to flinch a little, "And if you win, Whaddyu want?"

His smirk is sinister, "Well, I thought you'd never ask." His droopy smile could only be described as slimy. "If I win, I want your friend there to craft me a spell or two... Maybe some tutoring. If I'm correct he's the one who designed BOTH yours and Neveah s genius spells, I'm sure he's the only reason why you made it this far."


"Tch. Deal! You're on, slime ball! No holding back!"

"Rock on." Ares grins.

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