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-Yn's Pov-

As I splashed cold water on my face, I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to shake off the dizziness that threatened to engulf me...

But as I prepared to leave and rejoin the VIP section, I heard muffled sounds of commotion and the unmistakable sound of gunshots echoing through the club.

My heart pounded in my chest as fear and adrenaline surged through me. I quickly moved toward the restroom's exit, intending to find out what was happening and if anyone was in danger.
With each step, the noise grew louder, and I could sense panic in the air.

Pushing open the restroom door, I was met with a scene of disarray.

The club that had been filled with laughter and music only moments ago was now consumed by chaos. Patrons were scrambling, seeking safety, and the once vibrant atmosphere was now shrouded in fear and uncertainty.

The gunshots reverberated through the air, causing people to cower and scream. My instincts as an undercover agent kicked in, and I knew I had to find a safe vantage point to assess the situation. Amidst the chaos, I spotted Seungcheol and the other members of Seventeen, their expressions a mix of alertness and determination.

I ducked behind a pillar, trying to stay out of sight while keeping an eye on the unfolding events. It was evident that something had gone horribly wrong, and the once powerful and imposing mafia members were now on edge, ready to defend themselves.

As the gunshots subsided, Seungcheol's commanding voice could be heard, rallying his members to take control of the situation. The club's security personnel were attempting to restore order, but the dangerous energy that emanated from the mafia members was palpable.

I realized that my cover had been blown, and I was now in the heart of the danger I had sought to dismantle. My heart raced as I weighed my options, knowing that my true identity could be exposed at any moment.

I had to make a split-second decision. Should I reveal myself as an undercover agent, hoping that Seungcheol would spare me in exchange for information? Or should I continue to play the part of a normal girl caught in the crossfire, hoping to find an opportunity to escape and regroup?

Before I could make a choice, the situation escalated further. More gunshots rang out and i made my decision to escape from the back door.

**gun shot**

Pain seared through my shoulder as the gunshot echoed in the chaos of the club. I gritted my teeth, trying to suppress the cry that threatened to escape my lips. The realization hit me hard-my cover was blown, and my mission had taken a dangerous turn.

I stumbled toward the secret door behind the club, desperately seeking an escape route.
But before I could reach it, Woozi appeared before me, his expression a mix of determination and regret.
"You shouldn't have meddled in our affairs," he said coldly, before firing another warning shot into the air.

The sound of the gunshot reverberated through the club, momentarily halting the chaos and drawing the attention of those nearby.
I knew I had to act quickly before more harm came my way.

In a last-ditch effort, I tried to reason with them, hoping to find a way out of this perilous situation.
"I never meant any harm," I said, my voice steady despite the pain in my shoulder. "I was just here to have a good time."

Seungcheol's furious gaze bore into mine, his eyes burning with anger and suspicion.
"LIES!!!!!!!!!!" he spat, his voice low and dangerous.
"You infiltrated my club for a reason, and I intend to find out why!!!!"

Play With Fire | Choi Seungcheol FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora