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On a particularly cold and rainy night, Seungcheol and some members of Seventeen decided to venture into the city's less privileged areas. They carried boxes of hot meals, blankets, and warm clothing. One by one, they approached the shivering homeless individuals huddled under makeshift shelters and offered them sustenance and warmth. The gratitude in the eyes of the recipients warmed their hearts as much as the hot food did.

heavy rain poured down from the ink-black sky, washing the city streets clean of their sins. The cold, biting wind cut through layers of clothing, leaving a chill that seemed to reach the very bones of those unfortunate souls who called the streets their home. It was the type of night that sent most people scurrying to their warm, dry shelters.

Yet, Seungcheol, along with a small group of his loyal comrades, known as the Seventeen, embraced the tempestuous weather. They carried boxes filled with steaming hot meals, bundles of blankets, and bags of warm clothing.

The city's less privileged areas were their destination, hidden corners where life's cruelty had pushed the homeless to the edge. Some huddled under tattered tents, while others sought refuge in cardboard boxes.

Seungcheol led the way, his determination unwavering despite the discomfort of the cold rain seeping through his jacket. He approached a man who sat shivering beneath a makeshift shelter of plastic sheeting and cardboard. Offering a hot meal, Seungcheol's eyes met the man's, and for a moment, the world outside of that small enclave ceased to exist. Gratitude filled the man's eyes as he accepted the food, and he nodded his thanks.

Next, Joshua knelt down beside a woman with hollow cheeks. He wrapped a thick, warm blanket around her shoulders. Her fingers trembled as she accepted this unexpected gift. She clutched the edges of the blanket as if it were a lifeline, her eyes welling with emotion.

Jeonghan approached a group of homeless friends, handing out fresh socks and gloves. Their faces lit up in surprise as they felt the soft fabric in their fingers, a simple luxury they seldom enjoyed. They exchanged glances of astonishment and whispered thanks.

The members of Seventeen continued their mission into the night, reaching out to those forgotten by society. They shared their warmth, their food, and their compassion with each person they encountered. The rain was relentless, but so was their determination.


On a bright, sunny day, Jeonghan, Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Joshua decided to carry out one of their regular missions of goodwill. They loaded their car with bags filled to the brim with toys, school supplies, snacks, and art materials. Their destination was a local orphanage, a place that held a special spot in their hearts.

As they walked into the orphanage, the children were going about their usual routines. Some were engaged in drawing pictures, others played with old toys that had seen better days. When the four members of Seventeen entered, their presence seemed to cast a magical spell on the room.

The children's eyes lit up with excitement as they saw the colorful bags filled with treasures. Giggles and smiles spread like wildfire among the little ones. It was as if the world had suddenly transformed into a place of wonder and enchantment.

Jeonghan knelt down beside a group of kids who were eager to show off their artistic talents. He laid out art supplies, from crayons to sketchbooks, and encouraged them to let their imaginations run wild. The children eagerly embraced the opportunity, creating colorful, whimsical drawings that reflected their dreams.

Mingyu, with his towering height, became an instant playmate for the energetic youngsters. He had brought a collection of toys that ranged from plush teddy bears to action figures. Laughter filled the room as the children engaged in games, building castles and dreams with their new toys.

Play With Fire | Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now