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******Seungcheol smiled. He leaned in even closer, his face inches from hers. He whispered into her ear, his voice harsh and cold. "I knew it since the first day you entered my Night club" he said. "The way you dress, the way you talk. I knew you were something else."

She shivered, feeling a chill run down her spine. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare, her mind spinning......************

The atmosphere in the room had turned electric, charged with a tension that felt almost suffocating. Seungcheol's eyes bore into Yn's, unyielding and intense, as they lingered mere inches apart.

Finally, Yn, defeated and overwhelmed, whispered, "Yes, this is the truth."

Seungcheol leaned back slightly, his gaze still locked on her. He had pushed her to her limit, and now it was time for answers. His voice was low and demanding as he asked, "What did you find about us in our hidden room?"

Yn hesitated for a moment, aware of the weight of the information she held. She knew that revealing what she had discovered could have profound consequences, but she also knew she had no other choice.

"I found documents and photos," she confessed, her voice trembling but resolute. "Documents that suggest connections, and photos of someone unexpected. There's more to this gang than I ever imagined."

Seungcheol absorbed her words, his expression unreadable. The revelation had far-reaching implications, and he knew that the world he had known was not what it seemed. "Who else is involved?" he asked, his voice laced with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

Yn hesitated again, grappling with the decision to expose the extent of her findings. "I saw photos of You,Jeonghan and Joshua with a guy," she admitted.

Seungcheol's features darkened at the mention of 'the guy'. "That guy is Kim Taehyung My Cousin" he muttered, the name is heavy on his tongue. "This is more complex than you could ever imagine....he was killed brutally by someone"

The revelation that Kim Taehyung was Seungcheol's cousin left Yn in a state of profound shock. It was as if the ground had shifted beneath her, and the world she thought she knew was suddenly turned upside down.

The realization that Taehyung, a man responsible for so much pain in her life, was blood-related to Seungcheol, a man who had shown her a different side of himself, created a complex web of emotions within Yn. It was a twist she could have never anticipated, and it left her grappling with a mix of disbelief, anger, and confusion.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the chilling memories of Yn's past played out before her. She couldn't hold back the tears that streamed down her cheeks, but she refused to utter a single word. The weight of that night, the night her life had been irrevocably altered, hung over her like a shroud of darkness.

Seungcheol's confusion deepened as he observed Yn's tears. Her emotional response was not what he had expected, and it only added to the complexity of the situation. He had been prepared for a confrontation, for answers to the questions he had asked, but her tears left him momentarily at a loss.

"Yn," he began, his voice softer and more uncertain, "why are you crying?" He reached out as if to comfort her, his fingers hovering in the air. His cousin's dark death was a weight on his shoulders, but he couldn't ignore the emotional turmoil Yn was experiencing.

Yn tried to compose herself, wiping away her tears. Her voice still quivering. "It's just that... the memories of that time are so painful." She hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "I didn't expect to learn about Taehyung's connection to you."

Play With Fire | Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now