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Weeks had passed since their day at the amusement park, and Seungcheol and Y/N's life continued to be nothing short of blissful. They were inseparable, their love for each other growing deeper with each passing day. The mafia business was thriving under their leadership, and they had no reason to believe that their happiness would ever be threatened.

Yn has become part of their Mafia things...

But beyond their roles in the mafia, they had built a cocoon of love and camaraderie within Seventeen.

Every morning, the house buzzed with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Y/N, with her warm smile, became the unofficial barista, loved and adored by the members.

"Y/N, your coffee is the best wake-up call!" Joshua would often exclaim, savoring each sip.

"Absolutely! I think we should hire you as our official coffee maker," Mingyu joked, earning chuckles from the others.

Seungcheol couldn't help but feign annoyance, "Hey, isn't she supposed to be my personal barista?" He teased, wrapping an arm around Y/N, a sparkle in his eyes betraying his feigned jealousy.

Their affectionate banter set the tone for the day, filling the house with a warmth that transcended their hidden lives.

During meetings, Seungcheol's role as the leader was undisputed, but Y/N's astute observations and wise suggestions always earned the respect and admiration of the members.

"She's got a knack for this, doesn't she?" Jeonghan would whisper to Wonwoo during discussions, nodding at Y/N, who was deep in conversation with Seungcheol.

Wonwoo would nod in agreement, "Definitely. She's become an integral part of the team."

But amidst the responsibilities, there were moments of lightheartedness.
The members couldn't resist teasing Seungcheol about his protective nature toward Y/N.

"Hey, Seungcheol hyung, did you bring Y/N along to the meeting as your bodyguard?" Minghao would quip, earning a round of laughter.

Seungcheol would roll his eyes playfully, but his protective instinct was unwavering. "She's just lending her expertise," he'd defend, exchanging a knowing glance with Y/N, who smiled at his protective nature.

Their evenings were filled with laughter and shared moments. Movie nights turned into hilarious reenactments, with the members trying to mimic each other amidst fits of giggles.

"I can't decide if Seungkwan imitating Mingyu or Wonwoo imitating Jun is funnier!" Y/N would chime in between fits of laughter.

Seungcheol, basking in the cheerful atmosphere, couldn't help but feel immensely grateful for the bond they all shared, and especially for Y/N's place within it.

On the other hand,

Minghao and Jeonghan had taken it upon themselves to be Y/N's unofficial protectors and companions. Wherever she went, they were there, ensuring her safety while building a close bond.

One day, as they walked together to a local market, Y/N, with her characteristic warmth, turned to Minghao and Jeonghan. "You guys are always so protective. Do you think I'm in danger?"

Jeonghan chuckled softly. "Oh, not at all! We just like to make sure you're alright."

Minghao nodded in agreement. "Besides, it's fun hanging out with you. You make the simplest things enjoyable."

Y/N laughed, feeling grateful for their protective instincts. "I appreciate it. But don't you have other things to do?"

Jeonghan grinned mischievously. "Protecting you is our top priority!"

Play With Fire | Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now