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In the dimly lit room, Yn lay unconscious, her body weak and feverish from the combination of pain and lack of sustenance.
Her breathing was shallow, and her skin was flushed with fever.
Hours had passed since she last saw anyone, and her condition had only worsened.

Seungcheol entered his room, his mind still preoccupied with the events of the day. His anger and frustration lingered, and he was lost in thought, not immediately noticing Yn lying unconscious on the bed.

As he turned to close the door, he finally caught sight of her, and his eyes widened in surprise and concern. He rushed to her side, his anger momentarily forgotten as he saw her pale and fragile form.

"Yn, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry as he gently placed a hand on her forehead. The heat of her fever was evident even through the touch.

She moaned softly, but her eyes remained closed, and he realized that she was unconscious. Panic began to set in as he realized how serious her condition was.

Without hesitation, he called for Mingyu and Dino, urgently summoning them to his room. They arrived quickly, their expressions filled with concern as they saw Yn's unconscious form.

"What happened?" Mingyu asked, worry evident in his voice.

"I don't know," Seungcheol replied, his tone tense.
"She's burning up with fever. We need to get her help immediately."

Dino immediately rushed to find a medic within their ranks, while Mingyu stayed by Yn's side, trying to soothe her and keep her comfortable.

Seungcheol felt a mix of emotions surging within him. Anger, frustration, and concern all fought for dominance as he looked at the unconscious girl lying before him. He couldn't deny the complexity of his feelings, torn between his role as the leader of the ruthless Seventeen gang and the unexpected empathy he felt for Yn in this vulnerable state.

As the medic arrived and tended to Yn's fever, Seungcheol stood by, watching with a mix of emotions. He couldn't ignore the fact that she was suffering, and a part of him wondered how someone so vulnerable and fragile could have been involved in the dangerous game that had entangled them all.

The medic carefully examined Yn, checking her temperature, pulse, and monitoring her vital signs. After a thorough assessment, he turned to Seungcheol with a serious expression.

"She has a high fever, most likely due to the wound and the stress she's been under. She's severely dehydrated and weak from not eating. It's imperative that we keep her hydrated and provide proper nutrition to help her body recover" the medic explained.

Seungcheol's concern deepened, and he nodded, absorbing the gravity of Yn's condition. "What else can we do for her?" he asked, determined to ensure that she received the best care possible.

"She needs rest and a calm environment," the medic replied. "Her body needs time to heal, and she should be monitored closely for any signs of infection or complications from her wound."

Mingyu chimed in, his voice filled with concern. "Should we take her to a hospital?" he asked.

The medic considered the options. "Given the circumstances, it might be safer to keep her here," he said. "We have the necessary equipment and supplies to treat her, and it would be more discreet than involving outside medical facilities."

Seungcheol nodded in agreement. "Keep a close eye on her," he instructed the medic. "Let me know immediately if there's any change in her condition."

--Seungcheol's pov--

As I watched Yn lying unconscious, her face pale and fragile, a pang of guilt gnawed at me. I couldn't ignore the fact that I had intentionally pushed on her wound, causing her even more pain in her already vulnerable state. The anger and frustration that had consumed me earlier now seemed trivial compared to the weight of guilt I felt.

I had prided myself on being ruthless and unyielding as the leader of the Seventeen gang, but seeing Yn in this condition made me question the consequences of my actions. She was a skilled girl, undoubtedly involved in something dangerous, but she was also a person, vulnerable and suffering.

The memory of her crying out in pain, the tears in her eyes as I pushed on her wound, haunted me. It was a side of myself I rarely allowed to surface, a part of me that was not part of the cold and calculated leader that I had become.

I knew I had a responsibility to protect my gang and ensure our survival in this dangerous world, but seeing the consequences of my actions on someone else made me question the cost of our way of life.

surrounded by shadows and secrets, I couldn't help but feel conflicted.
Yn's vulnerability had exposed a crack in the armor I had carefully crafted for myself, and it left me questioning the choices I had made.

As the medic continued to tend to Yn, I silently vowed to ensure her well-being... at least until we could figure out who she really was and what she was doing here. Guilt and concern warred within me, and I knew that I couldn't simply dismiss her as an enemy anymore.

I realized that the dangerous dance of deception and darkness had taken an unexpected turn. Yn's presence had shaken something deep within me, challenging the very foundation of my beliefs and principles


After the medic left the room, Mingyu and Jeonghan exchanged worried glances. Their concern for Yn was evident, and they felt the need to check on her condition.

"We should stay with her, just in case," Mingyu suggested, his voice filled with genuine care.

Jeonghan nodded in agreement. "You're right. We can take turns watching over her," he said, his concern mirroring that of his fellow member.

Meanwhile, Joshua took it upon himself to prepare some soup for Yn. He knew that she needed proper nutrition and care to recover from her weakened state. In the kitchen, he gathered ingredients and worked diligently to create a nourishing and comforting meal for her.

As he stirred the pot of soup, Joshua's thoughts were also filled with worry for Yn. He had seen the compassion in Seungcheol's eyes when he found her unconscious, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy towards her. In this world of violence and danger, moments of kindness and care were rare, but they were also reminders of the shared humanity that connected them all.

Meanwhile, Seungcheol found himself lost in his thoughts, his mind grappling with conflicting emotions. Seeing Yn's vulnerability had shaken something within him, challenging the façade of the cold and ruthless leader he had always presented to the world. He couldn't shake the guilt he felt for intentionally causing her pain, and it left him questioning the choices he had made and the path he had chosen.

As he paced the room, his mind wandered to the dangerous dance of deception and darkness that had entangled them all. The allure of danger and the treacherous waters of their world seemed less enticing now, as he grappled with the complexities of his emotions and the newfound responsibility he felt for Yn's well-being.

In the midst of all this, the other members took turns checking on Yn and staying by her side. Minghao, DK, and Woozi discussed the security measures they needed to take to ensure the safety of their mansion and their gang amidst the uncertainty of Yn's presence.

Hoshi and Seungkwan tried to lighten the atmosphere with their humor and laughter, attempting to provide a semblance of normalcy despite the tense situation.

As Joshua brought the soup to Yn's bedside, they all gathered in the room, their concern palpable. They knew that her condition was still precarious, and they were determined to do whatever they could to help her recover.

"Let's make sure she gets the rest she needs," Jeonghan said, his voice filled with determination. "We'll watch over her and take care of her until she's well enough to explain herself."

Seungcheol nodded, grateful for the support of his members. In this dangerous world of shadows and secrets, they were all bound together, and Yn's presence had stirred something unexpected within each of them.

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