
463 16 1

Thinking 'bout you - Ariana grande

Gabrielle's pov
That was two years ago. Let's just say mom wasn't too happy about that. Anyways. I am currently sitting on the couch waiting for mom and Charlotte to pull up.

Milo starts barking and we see them get out of the car. Lizzie looks extra happy. I wonder if she did it? I rush to the door with Milo and open it. "So let me see it" I ask all excited. "See what?" Mom said making me face drop. "Uh the new shoes..."

"Just kidding. Look" mom shows me the ring and I wowed. "I told you she'd like it" I pull them inside and close the door. "Now we wait" i push them down on the couch and go make popcorn.

Then the door bell rings and I rush to invite them in. "Hello child. Is your mom still mad at me?" MK asks as she steps in. "Yes I am!" Mom shouts making her groan and I laughed.

"Hurry come in. The movie is about to start" I rush everyone and I mean everyone in. That means basically the whole marvel cast, Charlottes family and friends and my friends and family.

So during these years, I have been secretly making a home video and no one knows about it. Actually that's a lie. Stella knows about it but that's it. And I guess Milo but he can't talk.

I get all the snacks and we get all settled. I put in the cd and everyone looks confused. "What are we watching?" Mom ask. "You'll see" I smirk. The video starts playing and I think they got it. "A home video!? Oh fuck there's going to embarrassing things in there" mom says making everyone laugh.

"Hi, I'm Gabi and these are the people I have to deal with" and let the embarrassment begin.


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