Chapter 16: Some Questions Answered

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Is The Dark All Dark?

Chapter 16

Harry released a small groan as he opened his eyes, briefly glancing around the room without moving his head too much. His body felt stiff, but the softness of the blanket and pillows seemed to help ease some of the tension. The young male released a small wince as he managed to roll over onto his side, further attempting to take in his surroundings. A flash of black fur suddenly appeared in his face, Padfoot shoving his nose against Harry's chest as he released a low whine.

"Hey Padfoot." Harry muttered as he slowly moved his hand, carding his fingers through the soft black fur for a moment, closing his eyes again. He attempted to remember how he had ended up wherever he was, but the last conscious members were a blur at best.

"Hey, look who's finally awake. I wondered what had Padfoot so excited." Tonks stated, walking into the dimly lite bedroom. Harry simply released a low groan, managing to jerk his arm up to shield his eyes just as Tonks raised her wand to open the curtains. Bright sunlight assaulted his senses for a moment as he regained his bearings. Padfoot released a low growl as he glared at Tonks before jumping up on the bed, curling up against Harry's back.

"What happened? Where exactly am I?" Harry muttered after several silent moments.

"Apparently you were hit with a nasty charm." Tonks stated.

"And as for where you are, you're at Malfoy Manor. Your father and I brought you here after you passed out at the restaurant before dinner yesterday. We had our family healer check you over since I don't trust anyone at Hogwarts to do it without causing you further discomfort." Narcissa added, stepping into the room. Harry glanced at her for a moment as he returned to looking around the room. He didn't fail to notice how the room was decorated in Gryffindor colors, giving him a clue that this wasn't just a normal guest room.

"What charm was used?" he finally muttered, turning his attention back to both of the witches.

"We're not completely sure right now. I haven't found it in any of the books we have here, but it would have to be something common for basic potions to work on it right?" Tonks questioned, glancing at her aunt for a moment. Narcissa simply frowned, refusing to answer for a moment. Harry continued watching them, figuring there was something Lady Malfoy wasn't saying. He groaned as he pushed himself up, moving to push the blankets aside.

"I have to get back to Hogwarts. I was supposed to meet with Daphne and Blaise in the library today to work out what the next task could be." He groaned, ignoring the protest his body gave at the sudden movements.

"Harry wait. They'll understand. You're still sick and need to rest." Narcissa objected, moving forward with her hands raised in an attempt to stop him from getting up. Padfoot released a low whine as he moved around to sit in Harry's lap. Harry stubbornly ignored them, trying to push the heavy Animagus from his lap.

"Harry will you please listen? You can't push yourself right now." Tonks pleaded, holding out her hands in an attempt to block his path.

"Sirius talk to your godson." Narcissa finally snapped before she turned and walked out of the room, ignoring the three identical looks of shock. Sirius slowly allowed his magic to shift him back, sitting on the bed speechless. Harry couldn't help nervously glancing at Tonks, unsure if he should trust his mother. After several awkward minutes of silence Sirius finally shook his head, turning his attention to his godson.

"Can we just go please? I don't want to be here any longer than needed and I really need to keep looking for ways to decipher that stupid hint for the next task." Harry muttered, reaching up to rub his eyes. Sirius could clearly see the dark circles under them, feeling horrible for missing the signs of just how much everything was effecting the boy he saw as his own. The young wizard gasped when he was suddenly pulled into a hug, wincing at the sudden movement as his body jerked.

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