March 20, 2022

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I held Kamala gently as I bottle fed her. Something Emily felt was best, since she didn't really produce much milk and because she felt incredibly uncomfortable with it.

Though it’s probably way too early to really tell for certain, it appeared that Kamala inherited her mothers looks, though she was a shade or two lighter in skin tone and her eyes were still the common baby blue eyes all toddlers and babies have. She might have inherited her sperm donor's facial structure, but literally everything else was all Emily.

Something that relieved all of us. Emily had said she still would've loved her regardless, but admitted that she would have had a really hard time looking at her.

After Emily had discovered and told me of the pregnancy, I had asked if she wanted to continue going to school in person or if she’d want to finish up the school year online and maybe return the next year. No one would have to know about Kamala if she didn’t want them to. They wouldn’t have to know what happened to bring about her conception.

In the end she decided against returning to in-person school, she’d finish the year online and return the next year.

I had told her that though she would be primarily alone in taking care of Kamala, she had to remember to take care of herself as well. Our neighbors, Yusuf and Muneeba, had been more than willing to take Kamala off our hands occasionally. They had an adult son who had recently gone off to college and they were dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome.

They were a lovely older couple that had been the first to welcome us to the building.

I hum quietly as I rock the baby gently. She finishes off the bottle and I place it on the counter before taking the now dozing baby over to the crib placed next to our bed.

I quietly sigh in relief when she doesn’t wake. I turn to go and clean the bottle when I notice my phone going off, showing Octopus Flair is calling… I reach over to it, answering the call as I pick up the bottle, “‘Sup?”

“How do you feel about doing a drug bust tonight? The police have been having quite a bit of trouble with this specific crew for a while now. I only just found out about it though.” She says.

“I’m doing great, Clair. Kamala is as healthy as she can be and Emily is out with friends at the moment and is also recovering well. Thank you so much for askin’, Clair.” I was about to continue the mocking but Claire interrupted me before I could, “Raphael.”

I roll my eyes and put the bottle away, “Yeah. I’m down for some crime busting. Lemme go talk with the Khan couple about watching Kamala.”

“Hurry up, then. They’re scheduled to do some moving of the stuff tonight. I’ll tell you everything I’ve found out about the gang and what they’re doing when you’re in uniform.”

I check Kamala right quick before I head next door to speak with them about watching over her for a couple hours. Muneeba was ecstatic about it and more than happy to look after the week old baby while I was out.

I led the older woman into the apartment before grabbing my supplies bag and leaving again with a kiss to Kamala’s head.

“Thanks again, Muneeba.”

“No problem! Go go, now!” She shooed me away and I laughed as she closed the door.

I take a moment before leaving the building and go to the usual place where I change if I can’t do so at our apartment.

As I pull my mask up, I turn on the earpiece.

"Lay it on me, Doc." I remove my glasses in exchange for my goggles and pull on my wig, securing it all in a matter of seconds.

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