Happy With Her

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Happy With Her - Kid vs Kat

Topic: Angst + Hurt/Comfort

Ship: Millie x Dennis?

The Story:

Phoebe's POV:

Recently, my significant other, Dennis Lawrence Chan, a gentleman with black hair and black eyes, has been preoccupied with undisclosed matters. What is more, he has been making statements such as "I intend to socialize with some acquaintances" and the customary "I plan to engage in athletic activities with Cooper Burtonburger, my comrade." I have harbored suspicions that he may be engaging in infidelity without my knowledge.

I am Phoebe Del Oro, hailing from a family of affluence. My mother, though occupied with her own affairs, shall remain anonymous as her identity bears no relevance to the present narrative. My closest confidante, Millie Burtonburger, has been preoccupied of late, though she has yet to disclose the reason for her absence. I am uncertain as to the cause of her distraction, but it may be attributed to her elder brother, Cooper Davies Burtonburger, or Coop Burtonburger, as he is commonly known. I hold a fondness for Coop, though he has taken a liking to Fiona Munson, a girl whom I hold in contempt. Regrettably, any attempt to harm her would result in legal repercussions.

As I sat outside my residence, savoring my coffee and pondering my strategies for reconciling with my boyfriend, I espied a figure in the distance. It was none other than Dennis Chan, accompanied by his closest confidante, Millie Burtonburger. I was taken aback by what I witnessed. My bosom friend, Millie Burtonburger, was clasping hands with my significant other, Dennis Lawrence Chan. I found it hard to believe my own eyes. I pondered where they had been venturing off to without informing me. However, I had no concrete evidence. Despite this, I was pleased for them. Nevertheless, it is premature to celebrate.

It's short, I'm sorry.

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