Go On... Apologize

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Author's Note: I decided to spend some time away from AO3 and I did quit Fanfiction.Net for personal reasons. I might do stories that are Inspired from movies or TV shows. This one is Inspired from Encanto so enjoy.

The Story:

Millie Burtonburger entered Coop's room, while knocking on the door, smiling and waiting for her brother to come over or something. "Coop!" Millie called out "Hey! I know we had our... Issues... But I'm ready to be a better sister! To you so we should just hug! Hug it out!" She waited for an answer before Coop slammed the door behind her and asked "Hug it out?" He continued "Dennis can't pay attention, Fiona's hair looks like a smashed banana." He turned to her and asked in anger "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!?"

"Coop," Millie said "I feel like you're upset and you know what cures being upset. A warm embrace!" She opened her arms before her brother came to her and pointed to the door "Get! Out!" Millie Burtonburger was about to say something when Coop said "My life was perfect before that Kat came into my life." He began to walk around "Dad was happy. The Burtonburgers were happy." He looked back at Millie Burtonburger and asked "You want to be a better sister? Apologize, for bringing that Kat into my life!"


"Go on? Apologize..."

"I... Am... Sorry."

Coop Burtonburger smiled before Millie Burtonburger said "THAT YOUR LIFE IS SO GREAT!".

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