I Have Feelings For You, Dennis Chan

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Topic: Friendship + Fluff

Ship: Coop x Dennis

⚠️ LGBTQIA+ References, if you're homophobic or anything against the LGBTQIA+ Community, please leave. I don't want to start drama. ⚠️

The Story:

Cooper Davies Burtonburger was en route to the residence of his closest companion, whose name was Dennis Lawrence Chan. The two have been inseparable since their early childhood days in preschool. Having grown up together, they regard each other as brothers, particularly since Coop's only sibling is his younger sister, Millie Burtonburger, and Dennis is an only child, as his mother's childbirth complications prevented her from bearing any more offspring.

Recently, following Kat's erasure of Lorne, Harley, Millie, and Fiona's memories, Coop's affections for Fiona began to wane and he developed an interest in his closest friend, Dennis Chan. It appears that Coop has come to the realization that he is no longer attracted to females and has instead developed an attraction towards males. He disclosed this information to his sole caregiver, his father Burt Burtonburger, who has been raising Coop and his younger sister Millie alone since the passing of his wife, Martha Burtonburger, due to a terminal illness when Coop was four years old and Millie was two. Despite the challenges of being a single parent, Burt is grateful to have his children in his life.

Coop Burtonburger arrived at his friend's house and knocked on the door. Dennis greeted him with a smile as he opened the door. Little did Dennis know, this encounter would have a profound impact on his emotions. In that moment, Dennis found himself irresistibly drawn to Coop, captivated by his attractiveness. A wave of infatuation washed over Dennis, making him yearn for a kiss from Coop. As Coop stepped inside, Dennis couldn't help but feel his face flush with a rosy hue. It was clear to Dennis that Coop's style and demeanor were incredibly appealing, causing his previous crush on his little sister, Millie Burtonburger, to fade into the background. Instead, it was Coop who now occupied Dennis's thoughts and stirred his heart. Despite their young age and shared gender, Dennis couldn't deny his growing attraction towards Coop. In a brave move, Dennis even decided to come out as gay to his parents, who were accepting and understanding. They supported his feelings wholeheartedly and had no intentions of being homophobic. With each passing day, Dennis's feelings for Millie waned further, while his affection for Coop blossomed.

As Coop went into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat, Dennis came up behind him and patted him on the shoulder. Hey Coop? Dennis asked. Coop looked back and saw Dennis' sweet and lovable smile, which made Coop blush even more. "Oh." Coop said, "You don't have to scare me."

"It's okay," Dennis said, "I just want to tell you something I've never confirmed to you before." Coop was confused. Dennis looked into Coop's eyes and said, "Lately I've found you very attractive and all. I don't know what to tell you that I found out I... love you."

Coop felt his cheeks grow hotter as he blushed even deeper, overwhelmed by the unexpected revelation that Dennis harbored romantic feelings towards him. The realization was so surreal that Coop struggled to wrap his mind around it. Little did Dennis know, Coop also held a secret affection for him, making this newfound knowledge all the more exhilarating and intimidating at the same time. This dynamic only added to the uncertainty and complexity of Coop and Dennis's budding connection. Would their past with Fiona hinder their ability to fully embrace their feelings for each other? Could they navigate the treacherous waters of their past and present to forge a genuine bond, free from the lingering shadows of their previous entanglements? However, their complicated history added an extra layer of complexity to their potential relationship. Ever since Kat had utilized her unique abilities to erase Fiona Munson, Coop's ex-girlfriend's memories, things had taken a drastic turn for the worse between Coop and Fiona. Their once flourishing romance had quickly deteriorated into a tumultuous and bitter breakup, leaving them in a state of constant animosity towards each other. It was as if they were stuck in a twisted limbo between friends and enemies, unsure of how to define their relationship. Only time would tell if Coop and Dennis could rise above the murky depths of their complicated history and find solace in each other's arms. But for now, they were left grappling with a myriad of emotions, trying to make sense of the tangled web of feelings that had unexpectedly emerged between them.

Coop smiled shyly and looked away. "Oh," Coop said, "I, I love you too."

Dennis was taken aback by Coop's revelation. Coop had mustered up the courage to confide in his father about his sexual orientation, stating that he was attracted to boys. Dennis couldn't help but smile, as he realized that he could relate to Coop's experience. He, too, had recently come out as gay to his own parents, and fortunately, they had been accepting and understanding. Despite Dennis acknowledging that his parents could be somewhat strict at times, he was grateful that they weren't homophobic. Coop felt a wave of relief wash over him upon hearing this, knowing that Dennis's parents, Henry and Mayumi Chan, were not prejudiced against him or his sexuality. It was clear that Dennis was their only child, and they cherished and valued him for who he truly was.

Coop's face brightened with a warm smile, and with an affectionate gesture, the two boys intertwined their fingers and shared a gentle kiss on their lips. Filled with excitement, they walked hand in hand towards Dennis's room, their heads leaning against each other, and they eagerly stepped into the welcoming space of Dennis's bedroom.

Lost in his thoughts, Coop walked home with a smile plastered on his face, his mind consumed with admiration for Dennis. He couldn't help but marvel at his boyfriend's remarkable attractiveness, both inside and out. Coop's heart swelled with love, appreciating the depth of their connection and the way Dennis made him feel cherished and adored. Love had truly blossomed between them, creating a bond that was undeniably strong and unbreakable. After spending a few enjoyable minutes together, Coop and Dennis emerged from Dennis's room with beaming smiles, having had a fantastic time bonding over their shared love for video games. Reluctantly, the time came for them to bid farewell and head their separate ways back home. Before parting, they shared a tender last kiss of the day, a beautiful gesture that filled Coop's heart with warmth and contentment. As Coop made his way back home, he couldn't contain his excitement and joy. Finally, he had found a remarkable boyfriend in Dennis, a person who showered him with love, respect, and kindness. Coop felt truly fortunate to have found such a loving partner who treated him in the best possible way. The thought of confirming this newfound happiness to his father filled Coop with anticipation and eagerness.

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