Chapter 33: Survivors of the Flux

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A/N: Just a reminder, Kathy fell into the Whoniverse after Resolution of the Daleks so she doesn't know anything after season 12 and New Years special so is lost in this episode but remembers the Crimea (War of the Sontarans) and the Sea Devils (Legend of the Sea Devils) as she's lived them.


It's 1899 and Kathy finds Jack slumped on the straw covered ground next to wicker baskets and a cart just as he's waking up. There is a broken bottle sticking out of his abdomen.

"Oh, not again." He grumbles exasperatedly.

"Really?" Kathy remarks as she walks up to him.

Jack smirks. "What? No hello, no welcome kiss? Have you come up from London just to tell me off?"

Kathy looks at him unamused. "You're gonna draw attention to yourself like this." She crouches down to his level.

"Like what?"

"Torchwood. They have a Cardiff base. They've been monitoring you, keeping transcripts of your conversations about the Doctor with people." Kathy explains.

Jack shrugs. "And?"

Kathy rolls her eyes. "To Torchwood, the Doctor is a designated enemy. I should know, I was there when Torchwood was created."

"What should I do?" Kathy pulls out the bottle from his stomach instead of replying. "Ow!"

"Don't be a baby." Kathy retorts. "What should do is join them."

Jack scoffs. "No!"

"Jack, may I remind you that you need to stay in Cardiff?" Kathy reminds him. "That's where you'll meet the Doctor again in a hundred years time and it might be a good idea to keep the alien detectors on your side."



Honestly, it's like minding a child sometimes.


There are some adventures and scenarios from the Whoniverse that Kathy is aware of and either intentionally places herself or comes across it accidentally but in those situations, she knows what's going on. There are some situations, however, where Kathy accidentally comes across various Doctors and their companions by accident and genuinely has to find out what's going on and help solve the situation.

One such instance was easy enough to solve. Kathy had been investigating a powerful explosion on Threadneedle Street where the Bank of England is located. It was a solo assignment Kathy was doing on her own without the others.

What had been suspicious about this explosion was that those around it had reportedly carried on, completely oblivious to the damage. The strangeness of the whole thing had led to a member of the Paternoster Gang being called to investigate.

Kathy had arrived to find the bewildered trio that consisted of Amy, Rory and Eleven standing in the midst of it all. Kathy had happily greeted them to which they had done the same while telling her they had found traces of carbonite before they had been cut off by a second explosion from down in the vaults. They ran to investigate, but there appeared to be no sign of damage to the vaults and no one around except a kindly old flower seller.

Amy was concerned and tried to coax the old lady back up the stairs to safety. However, the Doctor suddenly turned on the old woman and threw the flowers aside, uncovering a traffic-calming measure from the Aldebaran Astrobahn, a small device that pacifies space pilots so they can fly safely. The device was being used to cover up the raid on the bank.

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