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Hyunjin's pov

"Do I really have to meet this man?" I asked my parents, and my father looked at me, and my mother was looking out our coach

We are currently on our way to the capital of Empiria, Esteria, because we were going to the King and Queen of Empiria

My parents and the king and Queen have set an arranged marriage between their eldest Bang Chan, the heir to his father's throne, and soon to be king

I am going to his husband but I don't want to be his husband because I heard some different stories about him that he was very cruel to everyone, so everyone called him Bang chan, "the cruel"

I'm a just noble boy of a wealthy family, right family name "Hwang"

My family is known for our beauty, we have blonde, and we have baby blue eyes

The Royal Family Bang are known for their power, wealth, and their dragons. The bangs are dragonlords or ladies

"Son, we have talked about this" my father said and he looked at me

"But father, I don't want to his king" I said and my mother looked at us

"Honey, you know it's good for our family and you are the heir of our castle" my mother said and she grabbed my hand

"The prince isn't that bad" she added

I quietly scoffed and looked away

"We're almost there" father said coldly

"Don't mess it up or else you are a shame for our family" he added

I quietly sighed, and I looked down

The coach stopped in front of a huge gate, and we saw the gates getting opened, so the coach continued with moving . Eventually, we stopped on the courtyard, and we saw the king and Queen standing but not the prince

The coach door got opened, and my father got first out . My mother next, and eventually, I got out, and I stood behind my parents

"Your grace, this is Lord Hwang of House Hwang and his lady wife,  Hwang and their son  Hwang Hyunjin "

There was some silence,  but then the king walked to my father and smiled

"You got old jaehyuk" he joked and they hug each other

"My old friend" the king said as he pulled away and looked at my mother

"You are still so gorgeous as we were younger" he said to her and my mother smiled  and then the king looked at me

"So that must be your son?" He asked and he looked at me and my parents looked at me

My father put his hand on my back and pushed me a bit forward

"Yes, this is our only son, Hyunjin" My father and the king checked me out and he looked at the Queen

"He would be good for Chan" he said and the Queen nodded

"Welcome to our castle, you must be all tired from the long ride" the Queen smiled

"Let's go inside" the Queen smiled and we nodded

The servants grabbed our luggage and we followed the king and Queen inside

After a few minutes

The king and the queen showed us around the castle like the throneroom, the dining room, the Chambers, the Chanel, the backyard

Currently, we were sitting at the council where the king and Queen and some nobleman talked about the wedding between the prince and I

However, I haven't seen the prince yet

"The wedding will be next month abd coronation will be one or two days after," the king said

"A  next month? I even haven't the prince yet" I thought and I looked a bit shocked

"Where is our son?" The king asked a servant

"He's probably outside with his dragon, your grace" the servant said



So first chapter is online! I hope you like it!

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