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Hyunjin's pov

"I'm back with the last ingredient" I said to my dragon, Syrinx who was looking at me with a smile

"Stop! That is our!" I suddenly heard someone shouting at me and I looked at it and I  saw three men standing, probably thiefs

"Who are you?" I asked them

"That doesn't matter boy, the better question is who are you and what you are doing here?" One of them asked me while he pointed his sword at me

"I'm the husband of your king, Chan" I said, and they looked at each other, and they laughed

"That's a joke right?" The other one asked

Syrinx quietly growled

"That's a beautiful dragon you got, mind trade for it?" The other one asked

"I don't trade her" I said and they sighed

"Then the hard way" they said and drew out their swords, and they started walking to is

"Syrinx!" I shouted, and Syrinx opened her mouth, and she breathed fire. The thiefs burned to death because of the dragon fire

Chan once said that dragon fire is the most deadliest fire and how older and larger the dragon, the more devastating its fire

Syrinx went lower so I could climb on her back, and she suddenly went up

"Fly fast" I whispered, and Syrinx roared, and she went higher and faster

I never could think of that I become a dragonrider, I thought only the Bangs rode dragons however I am married into their family and soon there will be a baby boy or girl born and became the heir of the king

I caressed my clothed stomach and I smiled

"I can't wait to have you finally in my arms" I thought, but suddenly Syrinx moved to the left and right

"Ho, girl, what's going on?" I said, and Syrinx looked around

I looked around, and my eyes widened

"In the Goddess name" I flinched when I saw suddenly a woman standing beside me.. what.. standing?

The woman disappeared in the clouds, and Syrinx went higher

"Syrinx, what are you doing?" I thought as we were very high and in a fast moment something flew in front of us and Syrinx got startled

I saw a huge white dragon flying in front of us, and I thought Chan's dragon, Nightshade, was big.. this one is definitely bigger

The scales were white and grey like it was ghost, the tail was lang

Syrinx roared, and the white huge dragon roared back

Suddenly I saw someone sitting on top of the dragon and it was the same woman. It was like a guardian angel. She wore a white dress with long braided white hair that came till her lower back, and she wore a golden headpiece

I couldn't clearly see her face, but it seemed like she was smiling

Soon, the clouds covered my sight, and when the clouds were gone, the mysterious white lady was gone with the dragon

"What in the Goddess name, who was that?" I wondered, and Syrinx looked around, and she went flew lower

Then I realised we were nearing the capital so Syrinx went faster, and when we flew over the gates, I saw streets were filled with dead bodies of the citizens and animals

Syrinx flew us to the castle, and she eventually landed on the ground of the courtyard where I saw Katherine and Jaehaera standing

"Your grace, you're back" Katherine smiled

"How is the king?" I asked them as I slid down from Syrinx, and I walked into the castle

"He is very ill, your grace," Katherine said, and they followed me

"He sees every time hallucinations of you, your grace" Jaehaera said

"What symptoms does he have more?" I asked her

"Beside the hallucinations thriller symptoms are; shivering, cold,  sweating, fever, headache, stomach, coughing, sometimes coughing up blood and the final stage death" Jaehaera said while we walking through the halls and I was on my way to private chambers

I opened my door and I closed behind me so Jaehaera or Katherine couldn't come inside

I walked to my table, and I opened the recipe book from my mother, and I browsed through page to the cure

I almost have everything, but I only missed one thing, the black Nightshade, and it's a bit weird because Nightshade is mostly put into poison potions

I walked to the window, and I knew there were nightshade plants growing, so I grabbed a few flowers and I walked back to the table, and I put almost everything into the bowl

The whole recipe was an ancient language which my mother learned me when I was little and I still can read it, a little

It was like I was doing witchcraft because I had to speak old and probably dead language

Servatis a maleficum
Servatis a periculum

Now I added the water of life and I mixed it and after few minutes mixing it was finished

I put in another bowl, and I walked out of the chamber to the chamber where chan was staying

Katherine and Jaehaera found me again

I arrived at the bedchamber and I saw no guards standing so I walked inside

I saw the dowager queen, Chan's mother sitting on the bed and taking care of her son

"Hyunjin..?" I heard him quietly saying, and it almost broke my heart because how weak he sounds

"He will be there soon, my son" the dowager Queen said, and she wiped the sweat of his forehead with a wet cloth

"I'm here, ma'am," I said, and she turned around, and she smiled

"I have the cure" I said abd I walked to the bed, and the dowager queen got up, and I sat on the bed and I put the bowl in front of Chan

"Please drink this, my love" I said and suddenly chan said


"Yes, I'm here." I smiled and he started to drink the cure

"You're a life saviour, Hyunjin" the dowager queen said and she wiped her tears of the corner from her eyes away

"I was just on the right time" I said and she nodded

"Now we let him rest, he will be better soon" I said and the dowager queen and I walked out of the bedchamber

"How can we ever thank you?" She asked me and I smiled

"You don't have too" I said while I put my hand on her arm

"We still need to help the people of Empiria" I said and she nodded


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