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Bang chan's pov

I was currently in the council room listening to people their problems and stuff

When a servant whispered in my ear and telling me that my husband, Hyunjin was seen flying over Asteria so he would be soon arrive at the dragonpit

So I got off my chair and I walked to door

"Your grace, where are you going?" A noble lord asked

"Council is dismissed!" I shouted when I walked out of the council and I started to run to the dragonpit

After few minutes or so

When I arrived at the dragonpit, I saw Hyunjin sliding off Syrinx her back and he turned around and I was kinda confused when I saw there was baby against his chest

So I walked to him and he smiled when he saws me walking to him

"Love, I want you to meet my little sister, Dalnim" he softly said and he showed me the baby. She was small and a bit fragile but with a bright smile when she saws me

"What happened?" I asked him

"My mother is... dead" He said with a lump in his throat

"She died after given birth to Dalnim and naming her" he said with weak smile while he put the baby in his arms with cloths

"The mysterious sickness is real, Chan" he suddenly said with a serious tone and he looked at me

"I have seen it" He said

Later the evening

"I will, your grace"

"Have Goodnight" I said as I closed the bedroom door and I walked to my bed where hyunjin sat against the headboard reading a book

I started taking off my clothes and I laid down beside him and he closed his book and he put his head on my chest

"Love?" He suddenly asked and I looked at him and hummed

"Do you think I'm sick?" He asked me and he looked at me

"No Ofcourse not, why do you think that?" I asked him and tucked some of his hair behind his ear and he looked away

"You aren't sick right?" I asked him and he shook his head

"I thought maybe because I went back home" He said and I stroked his hair and I kissed his head

Suddenly I heard some soft snores and I saw him sleeping. I smiled

The next morning

The council and I decided to close every way to Hyunjin's, home town Themisteria and trading has also been halted. We also closed the gates of the capital so nobody could in out the capital

But still a sick doesn't care about the rules that we made. The sickness came into our capital, many people were getting sick, mostly the lowborn citizens had most to struggle with

Some of the symptoms were unkwon but those we knew already; shivering, cold, sweating, throwing up, sometimes coughing up blood, fever  the final stage of this sickness is death

Eventually the sickness was spreading over whole Asteria and it reached also the castle

Everyone was getting sick

I was currently in the council room with the remaining council members

"How many people are sick?" I asked a council member

"Too many, your grace whole families are dead because of this sickness" the council member and he was telling more but I couldn't hear him clearly anymore because I didn't feel so good

"Your grace? Are you alright?" One noble knight said and I shook my head

"Yeah I feel good" I smiled and the knight didn't believe me

"This council is dismissed" I said while coughing and I got of my chair but I suddenly fell on the ground and everything started to get black

"Your grace?" Was the last thing I heard


Oh no is Chan getting sick?

Sorry this chapter was bad I know

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