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Hyunjin's pov

"His dragon?" I thought and the Queen smiled at me

"Hyunjin, one of my ladies will bring you to the prince so you can finally meet the prince and soon your husband" she said and she looked at of her ladies

"Lady Hira, would like bring to Hyunjin to the prince?" She asked a lady

Lady was young and beautiful girl, she looked like the same age as me

"Ofcourse, your grace" she smiled and she looked at me with a smile

"Hyunjin, please come with me" she said and I quietly sighed and I got off my chair and the lady smiled as she started to walk

We walked out the council room and I followed the lady to the prince, the servant said that prince was at the back of courtyard

I still can't believe that my parents let did happen and I can still remember the day when they told me that I was going to marry the prince of Empiria

"We are almost there, ser" the lady said and we walked to courtyard when I heard a loud Roar or something and my eyes widened when I saw his dragon

It was a big  dragon with black and red scales, big round yellow eyes and razor sharp teeth that could turn every thing apart

"You're good girl, Nightshade" I heard the prince whispering to his dragon while hugging it's face

"You had to see the faces of the enemies army, god what felt that good" he said to his dragon and the dragon kinda smiled

"My prince" the lady did formal curtsy  and the prince looked at us and not going to lie but the prince is kinda handsome

Dark coloured curly hair and dark brown eyes and plump lips

"May I present to you, Hyunjin of House Hwang" the lady got up and she stood beside me

"Thank you, lady Hira you may go back to my mother" the prince smiled at her and the lady smiled and walked away

His smile disappeared when the lady walked away and it turned into a cold stare

"So you are the Hwang Hyunjin, soon to be my husband?" He asked and he turned around to his dragon and petted it's face

"Yes, your grace" I smiled

"I don't marry for love, it's my duty to marry to someone and get new heirs and serve realm" he said coldly and he turned around and he started walking to me

I gulped when he came closer, he was broad with muscled shoulders and strong biceps

He looked intimidating when he cane closer

He walked around me in few times and grin was forming on his lips, then he stood behind me and whispered

"You better be a good husband or else I'll feed you to my dragon, Nightshade she likes young boys"

I was literally frozen when he said that, how could he say that

The prince walked away from me and walked back to his dragon, the dragon stared at me as I slowly walked away and I quickly walked away

"I won't marry him, I won't marry him, I won't marry this man" I thought as I walked away


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