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Hyunjin's pov

"Your grace?" I suddenly heard Katherine's voice from behind, I was currently sitting in garden with my sister, Dalnim who was playing with my fingers

"Yes, Katherine?" I asked her while smile to my sister

"The dowager queen wants to meet in the council room" She said and I stood up and I nodded

"Take Dalnim back to other children" I said as I put Dalnim in her hands and I kissed her forehead

"Ofcourse, your grace" Katherine smiled and I walked away

After few minutes

I arrived at the council room and I saw the dowager queen there sitting

"Ah, Hyunjin you're here" She said and she got off her chair and walked to me

She hugged me and I hugged her back

"How is the baby?" She asked me as she pulled away and I felt her hand caressing my stomach and I  smiled

"Pretty good actually" I said with a smile and the dowager queen smiled

"Why did you want to me?" I asked her

"You know that hospital right?" She asked and I nodded

"Well the head nurse  wondered if she could meet you there? So she asked me" she said and I nodded

"Ofcourse, I would love to meet her" I smiled

"Good, take Katherine with you and a guard" The dowager queen said and I nodded

After an hour

"We are almost there your grace" the guard, George said as we, Katherine and I were walking through the streets of Asteria, Ofcourse I covered myself with a cloak

We arrived the hospital and we were greeted by a woman who walked to us and she bowed

"Your grace, it's a honour to meet you" The woman said and I smiled

"I'm Mary, the head nurse of the hospital" Mary said and she looked at me

"Show me around, Mary" I smiled and I reached out to her with my hand and she grabbed it

"This is my lady, Katherine and my guard, George" I said and Mary smiled at them

"Shall we?" She asked me and I nodded

"Follow me, your grace" She said and we followed her as she started to walk

Mary, the head nurse of the hospital showed us around, the locations and she also showed me huge statues of th nymphs, Aurora and Calliope, Myself and the ancient goddess of healing and life, aelia ad there was water coming out her bowl and the water fell down into a big pool

"Water of life" I thought and we were walking to room to talk with sick

When we got into that room one person caught my eye, an elderly woman

"Who is she?" I asked Mary and I pointed to the old lady

"Oh that's Theresa, she is hundred years old, blind but she knows who you are and she says she can see visions. Some thought she is a witch" Mary said and I walked to elderly lady and I stood by her bed

"Hello" she suddenly said and she looked at me

"Hello ma'am" I softly said and I saw she was searching for my hand and I softly grabbed her hand

"That's much better, thank you your grace" She smiled and I was dumbfounded, how? And I looked at Mary and she shrugged her shoulders

"You are with child, aren't you?" She asked and I nodded

"Yes, ma'm" I said and the lady nodded

"Your child will become very good looking, strong, fiere with a heart of gold and it will become a dragonrider like your husband, the king your grace" She suddenly told me and she smiled

"The child will become good ruler,  loved by the lowborn and the highborn, great warrior but..." the lady suddenly stopped talking

"But what?" I asked her

"Something dark.." she said and Mary walked to us

"Theresa, you should take your rest and stop talking those nonsense" Mary said

"But I was talking to the husband of the king, our saviour" Theresa said

"You're still recovering" Mary said and the old woman let my hand go

"Mary!" We suddenly heard someone shouting Mary's name and we saw a girl

"It's time!" Mary nodded when she said that and Mary looked at me

"Something beautiful is going to happen, a new baby will be born" Mary said and she quickly walked away from us

Katherine walked to me and she grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room and we passed by the room where the baby would be born

Mary saws me and she made a sign to come so I walked to inside the room and I saw a mother holding her newborn child

"Oh your grace" she said a bit shocked and bowed

"She just gave birth to healthy boy, do you have a name?" Mary asked her and the woman looked at her baby boy

"Hyunjin" she smiled and she looked at me

"As a honour of the good king, Hyunjin" She said and I blushed

"Do you want to hold him, your grace?" She asked me and I nodded. The woman gave her baby to a nurse and she gave the baby to me

"He is beautiful" I smiled and the mother smiled

Where new life was born, there also could be life taken

Chan's pov

"They are the remaining rebels?" I asked commander, Changbin and he nodded

"Mhm I thought I killed more"  I quietly said and I walked in front of the remaining rebel warriors and I looked at them

"You all should be punished what you all did today, my sister and her dragon died because of your stupid rebellion and all of you should die but as good king, I offer you a choice" I said and I looked at them

"Bend the knee and join me and I will spare your lives or refuse and die"  I suggested but they all refused to bend the knee so they made their choice

"Your grace, please there is another way" Changbin said and I looked at him with a death glare

"They made their" I coldly said  and suddenly my dragon Nightshade landed down behind me and she roared

I saw her head coming from above   and I looked at the remaining rebel soldiers, some of them were getting bit scared and a few went down on their knees but it was too late

"I, Chan of House Bang, first of my name, King of Empiria, sentence you to die" I coldly said and Nightshade went a bit further with her

"Fire" Nightshade breathed fire when I gave her the command and every remaining rebel got burned to death, they were screaming out of the pain

They could bend the knee and join me but they refused so this was my option, the death
I walked away from the burning bodies with emotionless face

This was their punishment for murding my only sister



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