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Hyunjin's pov

"Your grace, your can't go to him he is probably infected with the sickness" Jaehaera said as I was walking to our bedchamber and my handmaiden Jaehaera and Katherine were trying to stop me but I could do nothing like Chan is sick

"I want to help my husband" I said and I turned around and I looked them

"Your grace, please listen-"

"If you are trying to stop me, you can't find another person to work for" I snapped and they both immediately shut their mouth

"That's what I thought" I said and I walked away to Chan

When I neared our bedroom chamber  I got stopped by two guards

"Please let me go through" I said and they didn't listen at me

"I said let me go through" I said and this time a bit harder and they looked at me

"Sorry, your grace you can't get through it's an other of the leading doctors and nurses who are treating the king" one guard said

"I don't care! As the king consort, I demand you to let me through" I lifted my voice a bit but they didn't care about it and I sighed

Suddenly the door got opened and I saw a doctor coming out of the room

"Oh, your grace" he bowed and he looked at me

"How is my husband, the king doing?" I asked him and I tried to look through the door but the doctor closed it

"The king has a bad fever, he coughs a lot and he also sweats more than a normal person, your grace" he said and he went back inside the chamber and I wanted to follow him but they closed the door in front of me and guards crossed their spears

I sighed and I walked away from them with my handmaiden following me


I was currently in the council room reading a book. It was book with healing receips that once belonged to my mother because my mother knew a lot about herbal medicine, she used plants, flowers and herbs to heal us from sickness and diseases. Some of my town believed she was some type of alchemist, the others believed she was a witch because of the religion and the rituals . In her book she wrote about recipes for any sickness or diseases and she wrote down what type of ingredients you need

I wondered if there was recipe for this sickness and browsed throught the whole book but I didn't find it yet but then I found it! at least I thought

My mother called it the cure for the Lacuna sickness and there was luckily a recipe known for the sickness

"Thank you mother for your research but how she know it?" I thought and I got of my chair and I walked out of the council room

''Your grace, where are you going?'' Katherine suddenly asked me

"I found out that there was cure for this sickness, it's called the cure for the Lacuna sickness" I said

''That's wonderful, your grace but you can't anywhere the whole city locked up and the king appointed you as his regent so you can't go anywhere'' Katherine said and I looked at her

''Regent?'' I asked her and she nodded

''The king said that he appoints you as his regent while he is sick. He didn't told you?'' She asked me and I shook my head

''No I didn't because I can't see him or speak to him remember'' I said and she nodded

''I'm not fit to rule a kingdom, my husband does'' I said and I walked away from her

''Who then, your grace?'' She asked

''Maybe the dowager queen'' I said


I was currently in the dragonpit and the dragonkeepers were making my dragon, Syrinx ready and then I saw the dowager queen walking inside the dragonpit

"Hyunjin?'' I heard her voice calling my name and I turned around I saw her standing with a dark blue coloured cloak on her arms. The dowager queen was now appointed as the king's regent while he stayed in bed and they said it even became worser, he was shivering a lot and they said he saw some kind of hallucinations and all over his body was getting some blackened veins

"Take this, it's getting cold if you are on your dragon'' She smiled and she put the cloak around of me

"Thank you" I whispered and she smiled

''Are you sure this cure is going to save my son and the peope of Empiria, Because it has some strange ingredients'' She said and I nodded

''I'm sure this cure is going to save us all, your grace'' I said and she smiled

''Please be careful and nothing only for you but also your child" She said and she put my hand my stomach

''I will'' I smiled and I saw that my dragon was ready and she went lower to ground so I could get on her back

"Fly, Syrinx" I gave the command to let Syrinx fly and her wings spread and she started to run to the entrance and when we came out, we fly


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