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Hyunjin's pov

The next morning I was sitting alone in the gardens of the castle, my lady Jaehaera was getting the letters they said letter were arrived so I asked my lady if she could go get

The prince was somewhere flying on his dragon, Nightshade the blacm queen trying to calm his mind after everything happened

He actually isn't so bad as I thought he was. He is actually very kind and loving, and he cares a lot about his loved ones

"But why does he have nickname?'The cruel'"  I wondered, and I looked around, and I saw Jaehaera coming back to me

"I got a letter for you and for me," she said, and she gave me the letter, and I knew handwriting, it's my father's

I opened it and I started to read

And I couldn't believe it when I read that my mother was pregnant but how? Wasn't she too old to get children. I knew from my mother before me there were two more babies, two girls, which one was a stillborn and the other died in her crib

The first girl, a stillborn. My parents called her Jiyoon after my grandmother, and she was too weak and small. she was buried by the other family members

The second girl died in her crib when my mother checked on her, she didn't breath or didn't make any sound so my mother was upset about her death and the doctors said she died of crib death

Crib death is when a baby of younger than a year suddenly dies

The baby got called Youra, and she was buried by the other family members and her older sister, Jiyoon

My mother didn't want to get any children anymore because she believed she was cursed or something,  she felt guilty for the death of her two baby girls

But my father pushed her try to again and it sadly she got pregnant and then I was born, a healthy young boy and my father hired the best nurse, doctors, maids to check on me every day and my mother

But she is pregnant again in her fourteenth

"What's wrong, Hyunjin?" Jaehaera asked me

"My parents are coming to the wedding and coronation," I said, and I looked at her

"That's amazing, right or not?" She asked

"Yes, it is, but my mother is pregnant," I said

"That's wonderful news! May God's bless her with this wonderful gift. " she smiled, and I slightly smiled

"May the triple moon goddess protect my mother," I whispered

"What did your letter say?" I asked

"Oh my sister, she married to some rich man," she said

"You don't look excited?" I asked her as I saw on her facial expressions that she wasn't happening

"It's nothing," she said, and I nodded

"By the way, the lady of the dowager Queen asked me if you could meet the prince and the dowager Queen at the council room later this day," she said, and I hummed


Later this day

I was currently sitting in the council room with the dowager Queen at the front of the table where always her husband sat and the Prince, Chan sitting beside me holding my hand under the table

The dowager queen was still wearing her burial dress like she didn't take it off

The nobleman and loyal men of dowager Queen planned that the wedding and coronation should be held on the same day, and they wanted to get us married in two days

"Wasn't it too fast?" I thought

When we wanted to speak, the dowager queen and the nobleman cut us off with amazing ideas for the ceremony

Sometimes we looked at each other and we smiled at each other

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