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Hyunjin's pov

My mother brought me back to my Chambers, and my mother said me down on my bed and sat beside me, putting her arm around my shoulder, and I put my head on her chest

"Marrying someone isn't that bad actually, you know, but for someone at your age, is that maybe hard. I still remember my day I heard of my father and I was going to marry your father, " she said, and she stroked my hair

"But you weren't marry to some of  prince" I said, and she sighed

"You're right but he was still the next in line of their castle and I was just a normal girl from a farm but when my father said that I went to their court and marry him, I was afraid I couldn't sleep for days and I also heard stories of your father but none of them were true

Your father was actually really kind and charming and well mannered man" she said and looked at me

"How old were you?" I asked her

"I was your age, sixteen, and your father was eighteen," she said with a smile, and she put some of my hair behind my ear

"That's not between a big age, the prince is already twenty-two and I'm begin sixteens" I mumbled, and my mother chuckled

"Just give the prince another chance, please?" She asked me and I slowly nodded my head

"Thank you, my son. I'm so proud of you" she whispered and kissed my forehead

"We should change you in something nice for dinner." she smiled, and we got off the bed

After a few minutes

My mother helped me with changing my clothes, and she was currently making baby braids in front of my hair

"You have the beauty of your grandmother" my mother said as she walked away to get something

"I wish I could have know her" I said

"She would love that but now she is somewhere guiding you and protecting you and that's why I want to give you this" my mother said and she put a necklace around my neck

"It was once from her, and she said if you get a child, once doesn't matter, boy or girl gave them this," She said with a sad smile

"Mother, don't be sad," I said as I grabbed her hand, and my mother smiled again

"Sorry you remind me sometimes of her" she said

I smiled, and I looked into the mirror and the necklace as a hanger, a triple moon goddess

My grandmother believed that deity, I sometimes hear my mother pray to them, and I also started to pray to them when I am alone because nobody doesn't believe in the old gods anymore

Most believe in the new gods, but some people believe in the old gods like the triple moon

This deity is described as the maiden, the mother, and the crone, each of which symbolized the female stage and the shape of the moon

The maiden represents youth, purity, birth, enthusiasm, and promise of new beginnin, represented by the waxing moon

The mother represents ripeness, fertility, sexuality, power, and life, represented by the full moon

The crone represents wisdom, death, and repose, represented by the waining moon

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" She asked, and I nodded

We walked out my Chambers to the dining room, and when we arrived, we saw King and Queen sitting with my father. The prince wasn't there yet

We sat down beside my father and my father looked at me and then at my mother

"You look stunning, Hyunjin" the Queen smiled

"Thank you, your Grace, but my mother did it" I smiled, and I looked at my mother, and she smiled

"Well, I would love to learn you it" my  mother said a bit shy

Then, the prince walked into the dining room

"Sorry that am I late father, mother.. Nightshade didn't want to say goodbye" he joked, and his parents weren't mad they actually laughed

"Oh you probably haven't met lord and lady Hwang yet?" She asked, and the prince looked at my father and my mother

"It's my honour to take your son as my future husband, I will make you two proud," he said, and my parents smiled as he sat beside his father and in front of me

"Let's pray before we eat alright," the Queen said, and we started praying to new gods. Only my father was fanatic

During the prayer, I felt strong eyes gazing at me, and it was the prince who smirked at me

I rolled my eyes and focused back on the prayer

"May they bless us," the Queen said, and we stopped with praying, and we started to eat

"By the way, Chan, haven't you seen how beautiful your fiancee is?" the Queen smiled, and she looked at me

"Yes, he looks stunning," the prince said, and I blushed his compliment

After a few minutes

My father and the king were talking about their stories when they were younger, and the Queen and my mother laughed

I smiled, and I took a bite of my meat

The music was playing and everyone was having fun

"Maybe you two should take a dance?" The Queen suggested, and my mother nodded

"A dance?" I thought, and I looked a bit shocked. The prince got off his chair and asked

"May I take this dance?"

I gulped, but I nodded. He took my hand, and I got off my chair

He put on his arm behind my back, and he stretched out with my hand, and we started dancing

Our parents were cheering and clapping to us, and I smiled

"I only be kind to you because my parents are here," the prince suddenly whispered, and my smile faded

"Remember I don't marry you for love. It's duty to make our parents proud. And that compliment meant nothing, " he said with a smile as I looked at him

He smirked


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