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Hyunjin's pov

After the funeral, we went back to castle and everyone started doing their own business again, the bakers went back to the kitchens baking new bread, the maids helped in the houses

When we arrived at the castle, everyone got out the coaches and went inside the castle

The dowager queen and her handmaidens went back to her chambers and chan's siblings went back to their chambers with their companions

I went back with chan to his chambers

When we walked inside their chamber and I put chan on his bed and I sat down beside him

It was quiet in his room and you could hear even her the noises coming from outside like people talking, cart noises and sounds of the horse hoofs

"How am I going to rule a kingdom?" I heard him suddenly asking

"what?" I asked him and he looked at me

''How am I going to rule a kingdom like my father did, He was an amazing ruler, he was loved by the lowborn and high born people and he stopped a lot of wars between the houses" he said

''Oh love, you are going to be an amazing king and you will be even better than your father'' I said and put my head on his shoulder

''How?'' he asked me and he put his arm around my shoulder

''I don't know but we will find out and I promise'' I said and his hand went slowly through my hair

''I love you'' I whispered and I slowly fell asleep

''I love you too'' he whispered and he kissed the top of my head


Okay this chapter was short and sucks, sorry

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