32# day 1 part 4

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Had a bit of a mental health break and motivation loss sry abt that


''Yoi could you please divide them into a couple of groups?'' ''Yeah of course.'' After dividing them into a couple of groups, the first group was Chigiri, Bachira, Rin, Shidou and of course you. You let them take in the view of the building, rin wasn't too shocked since he was also quite rich and had probably seen many other buildings just like this one.

''Come on you guys we have to get going, if you're amazed at only the sight of the building then you're gonna blow up when you see the view from the apartment. You decided to call for the elevator in hopes that would wake them up and it did.

You made sure everyone was inside the elevator and then pressed the button 9. During this quite awkward elevator ride, Bachira made a few comments about how he was surprised at the size and how luxurious the place was, Chigiri also made a few comments but the worst part was Rin and Shidou arguing about things.

As the familiar elevator door pinged you were so happy about finally getting out of the elevator, you put your house key to the keyhole and twisted it a bit and then the door opened. ''So uhhh this is my home.'' The first to barge in, not even surprised, was Bachira, the others soon followed. ''Bachira could you take off your shoes please?'' Bachira took off his shoes and then continued barging inside the apartment.

The elevator doors closed and you left the door open for the rest to come inside the house. ''Make yourself comfortable and please take off your shoes!'' You said smiling a bit, You watched as they all took off their shoes. Chigiri instantly looked around the house until he saw Princess on your bed seemingly resting, at the speed of light he was sitting beside the cat and petting her. Shidou and Rin both also went inside but they kept their distance from each other.

The elevator door pinged and soon a group of people came out, Aryu, Tokimitsu, Otoya, Karasu and Isagi. ''Come in! Don't go straight for the fridge please. I'll go get the next group, Yoi could you make sure nobody breaks anything and make sure they all take their shoes off?'' You simply get a nod from Isagi as a response and off you go, as you make it to the first floor once again, you instruct the next group inside the elevator. This time the group consisted of Raichi, Hiori, Nanase, Niko and Kurona.

''Ok so the door to the apartment is open and the floor is number seven.'' You instructed them and the elevator doors closed, you thought this was a much faster way and it gave the other much more time to get used to the apartment and you didn't have to feel awkward around the others. Now you were only left with Reo and Nagi. Nagi looked like he was about to fall asleep any moment now and Reo was looking at his phone.

An awkward silence is evident in the air and it was choking all three of you. You called the elevator to come down once again, the doors opened and you had to physically drag Nagi into the elevator, which was quite hard since the guy was like 190cm tall, Reo of course helped you, then the same silence falls upon the entire elevator you were so glad the door opened and you could finally get out of the elevator.

As you stepped outside the elevator there was complete havoc going on inside the apartment, two people were arguing, a few were looking around, others were talking and there was one person sitting on the edge of the bed with Princess in his lap. ''Oh my god this is gonna be so fucking awkward I think I'll die.'' ''Y/n do you still have those boardgames somewhere?'' ''AHHH MY SAVIOR!!!'' ''Yeah they're in the storage room.''

You watch as Nagi makes himself comfortable on your bed lying down besides the sitting Chigiri. ''Nagi could you take your shoes off?'' Nagi took off his shoes and threw them and they landed perfectly besides all the other shoes. ''Holy shit how did he do that????'' ''Don't worry, he just has insane luck.'' You heard from besides you, turns out it was Reo and it does make sense since they have known each other the longest. Reo also takes off his shoes and enters the house.

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