Clint Barton x Reader

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You rush out of your small white office at SHIELD while carrying a large stack of Top Secret files. On your way to the elevator you bump into Agent Natasha Romanoff.

"(Y/n)!" She calls out and you cringe at hearing your name coming from her lips. You don't slow down for a second but she manages to catch up with you anyway.

"I'm a little busy Agent Romanoff." You said while turning a corner trying to brush her off so she leaves you to do your paper work.

"(Y/n), we need you in the field. You're one of the best field agents and we need you."

"I'm not interested, Romanoff."

"People are dying and I need your help."

"I'm not a field agent anymore and I haven't been for a very long time." You said with a slight growl in your voice as she continues to walk beside you to your left. You stop walking as her hand grabs ahold of your left shoulder.

"Civilians and agents are dying and you're just going to walk around doing paper work when you could and should be in the field!?"

You turn around and face her, your face slightly flushed red with anger. Your eyes narrow and start to turn yellow as they glare at her.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do Agent Romanoff!" You shout and storm off.

"Clint's out there!" Her voice yells out after you. Clint, your husband of five years.

"I don't care." You call back over your shoulder.

"You really are heartless!" She yells before calling several people around her to follow her as she walks away. As you reach the elevator you let out a small sigh. Your mind turns to Clint. He would do the same for you, coming to help you in the field on a mission.

With a groan of annoyance you drop the paperwork onto the ground and you run in the opposite direction. You follow the small cluster of agents that slightly fell behind in following Agent Romanoff.

Nick Fury took you off field work roughly seven years ago, before you met Clint and Agent Romanoff. The reason behind being exiled to desk work was because if your body decided you were straining it or you were stressed it would kill itself. Time seems to have escaped you as you end up on the battlefield. You gaze around, trying to find Clint but to no avail.

Your gaze lingers on Thanos's oncoming army. Mankind is doomed. You knew your outside contacts decided that SHIELDS problem wasn't theirs as you can't see them helping save the planet from total destruction. An explosion goes off to your right and you recognise the type of explosion. Clint! You push past agents and fallen debris to get to Clint. You run close to the explosion and Clint comes into your vision.

"Clint!" You yell out while running closer to him. He shoots at an alien before turning to look at you.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" He yells over the noise of gunfire and explosions.

"I'm helping!" You yell back at him before turning your back to him. You raise your arms into the air and the iris of your eyes glows a bright yellow. Your fingers start to move in the air, pulling at the invisible electrons in the air and pulling them together, creating a large solid group of electrons. You expand the large group of electrons and pull more in to create a large dome. Your eyes narrow into slits and the yellow of your eyes glows brighter and brighter. You encase the aliens in the dome separating them from the agents and civilians.

"You need to retreat!" You over your shoulder and you just see Clint relaying your orders and slowly everyone starts to leave the battlefield. A hand rests on your right shoulder and you turn your head to see Clint standing beside you.

"Clint you need to go!" You cry, "If the electron dome doesn't kill me with the energy to sustain it then the blast that it will cause to kill thanos's army will." Clint grabs you by the chin and brings your lips to his. You knew this kiss was going to be the last one you ever had with him. You pour all your emotions into it, the kiss becomes harsher as Clint's hand tangles itself in your hair. You pull away from Clint and turn your head away.

"Go." You whisper.

"I'm not going to leave you."

"Go!" You yell, fighting back tears.

"I love you, and I always will." A sob escapes your lips at hearing his final words of love. You see Clint running you knew it was now or ever. Focusing on charging the electrons of the dome you gasp at the sudden strain your body is under. This is it, your body has set itself to self destruct. Your eyes continue to glow brighter and brighter as the invisible dome starts to turn yellow with the aliens trapped inside. With a glare you flex your fingers, setting off the dome.

The dome explodes in harsh doses of bright yellow and white lights. The blast sends you flying through the dust filled air and you skid along the tarmac and concrete and roll to a stop. You turn your head to the left to see the army blown to smithereens. The army is destroyed and you smile in triumph. You cry out in pain as you convulse on the ground, curling up into a ball. Your body starts to shiver and your eyes droop.

You can vaguely see Clint running towards you. You curl even tighter into a ball as your abdomen sends sharp kicks of pain, making you cry. You feel arms wrap around your torso and lift the top half of your body off of the ground.

"Clint..." Your voice wavers as another shot of pain stirs through you.

"Shh, I'm here and will always be here for as long as you need me." He whispers while stroking your hair away from your face.

"I didn't get to tell you that I love you." You choke out through sobs of pain and regret.

"I knew, I always knew (Y/N)." He chokes back a sob as he wipes the blood away from your mouth.

"And I'm sorry that I... That I couldn't give you kids." You can feel blood running out from your nose like a heavy stream and you knew that you don't have much time left. Your eyes feel heavy and they start to close against your will and the last thing that you see is Clint's face.

"Please don't leave me (Y/n). Don't leave me!" He cries out as your once warm body becomes cold.

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