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"I'm gonna hate Lyoko for the rest of my life because of this," Odd said, looking at the clock, which displayed 4:25 in the morning.

"Yeah, waking up every day to a XANA attack so early," Ulrich added, sitting up on his bed. "That being said, Jeremie had almost never slept."

Their phones went off at the same time. They both grabbed theirs and opened them, revealing a new message in their group chat.

Mr.Einstein, Yang-Ying, DogCatAss, SenpaiUwU

Mr.Einstein: Anyone awake?

DogCatAss: prob everyone
DogCatAss: atleast me & ulrich are

Yang-Ying: same here boys

SenpaiUwU: what did you want, einstein?

"He's probably gonna finally ask Aelita out," Ulrich said, making Odd laugh.


Mr.Einstein: So I was thinking for some time now, and was browsing the web, and found a nice phone. 
Mr.Einstein: *1 attachment*
Mr.Einstein: So I was thinking about buying it for Aelita, so she could be in contact with us, or other people if she needs to.

DogCatAss: they make pink phones?

Yang-Ying: my first phone was pink
Yang-Ying: i threw it into the bin the very same day

Mr.Einstein: I mean, it also comes in white.
Mr.Einstein: But the point is that if it is a good idea...what if something bigger, or more valuable would be better?

SenpaiUwU: ur joking

Mr.Einstein: I'm...not?

SenpaiUwU: you give aelita gift, she takes gift, she likes gift, simple

DogCatAss: sounds like a monkey language there

Mr.Einstein: So...I should buy the phone or not?
Mr.Einstein: And I can hear you two laughing next door.
Mr.Einstein: Quiet down.

"Ooo, Jeremie is harsh," Ulrich whispered.

DogCatAss: you never had prblms with us bein louder

Yang-Ying: thats true, jer
Yang-Ying: what is problem?

Mr.Einstein: Ahh...I guess I'm gonna regret it later.
Mr.Einstein: *1 photo*

Odd looked up at Ulrich, who looked up at Odd as they saw the picture. It was Aelita, cuddled up to Jeremie as close as it was possible, covered in a blanket.

Yang-Ying: wheres aelitas clothes

The two looked closer at the photo, seeing in fact that Aelita was just in underwear.

Mr.Einstein: I have the right to remain silent.

Yang-Ying: thats not how it works
Yang-Ying: idc about that she is there with u
Yang-Ying: why is she almost naked

Mr.Einstein: She had a nightmare at around 1 in the morning, and she woke up sweating.
Mr.Einstein: She explained the nightmare, but then she undressed and laid down, covering herself with a blanket.
Mr.Einstein: And it's really hot in my room.
DogCatAss: ahh, young love

Mr.Einstein: I sometimes hate you, Odd.

SenpaiUwU: there is a better term than "i hate u odd"
SenpaiUwU: "f u odd" is the better one

Mr.Einstein: I don't do cursing.
Mr.Einstein: Anyway, I ordered the phone in pink, and they have it in stock in a shop here, so I'm going to pick it up later and give it to Aelita.

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