ii. luocha

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I could never forget the first time we talked. It was as if I was dreaming, but when I pinch myself he's still there looking at me. How do I describe the look on his face?

His features were sharp yet gentle, his expression was little but it was enough to convey what his thoughts and emotions were. His eyes widened, his lips apart, his eyebrows crinkled. Yet when I look into his eyes, all I could see is a wave of surprise.

I was surprised too; shocked even, but more so confused. Confused at the words he said to me after silence rippled in the air for far too long.

"Have we met before?"

He asked, his voice is as warm as people say it was. Something about it made me want to listen to him forever. Though... the question caught me off guard.

As far as I know, we've never met before. I have never seen this man in my life, I can guarantee that. My parents were never one for freedom. They would make sure I stay safe in the house where they can watch my every moves. It was safe, sure, but at the expense at living through my childhood with no friends and freedom.

To put it simply, i would've known who I met and who I didn't. I have far too few friends that I can basically count them with my fingers.

"No... I don't think so," I replied curtly.

"Oh... Is that so," he muttered under his breath, to which he then shook his head to. "My apologies, I hope I didn't come off as frantic. You remind me of someone I know."

I decided not to pry, despite seeing him on the streets a lot he is a stranger to me as I am to him, prying would only make him uncomfortable; at least in my mind he is.

To ease the awkward tension between us, I invited him for a cup of tea; to which he obliged. At a teahouse not too far from where we met, we sat down for a cup of tea. But alas, tea doesn't seem like a resolve for awkward first meetings.

On this occasion however, he did tell me his name (to which I already knew).

"Luocha is a pretty name."

"I'd rather not go for compliments, but perhaps you could tell me your name in exchange?"

"Oh.. its Y/N L/N."


Hence the second time I see those waves of confusion and surprise in his eyes. I wonder what he's thinking... He wouldn't think my name is weird now would he? I would be very ashamed if he did.

"Its a beautifully crafted name. your parents name you well."

A compliment by Luocha. I never would've guessed it. A soft smile went by his lips as he took a sip of tea. I was speechless, my eyes gazed around the room as I try to avoid the blonde man in front of me.

He got me in the palm of his hands, that's for sure. A single compliment had me in an internal frenzy. I just wish I wasn't so obvious about it.

A chuckle came from the man, the sight of him smiling is truly a sight to behold. I wonder if I could see his smile again in the future. It is truly something I look forward to see.

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