v. mother's worry

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


My parents both are like the majority of the luofu, they follow down the path of The Hunt. So imagine the kind of burning hatred they fester for those who tread down the path of the Abundance. I saw it first hand once when someone tried to heal a random patient at the clinic. They kicked him to a pulp and beat him to near death, they only stopped because they were in public eye and it will be "bad for my image", knowing fully well they only think of their own.

Ah, my mind went too far on the memories. But it still holds some relevance, as they heard the rumours of me being close with someone under the path of Abundance. To say they were fuming was an understatement.

I was just about to start my shift when my mother barged into the store, there were plenty of customers there; but no Luocha in sight. Though as soon as she saw me, she was quick on grabbing me outside of the store; why would she kind of the customers if it wasn't her self image in jeopardy?

"Ma, what are you doing?" I pulled my hand away from her, my wrist was red from how tight she grabbed me.

"Tell me its not true, Y/N." her voice split through the air as tension grew. Ah, hell.

"tell what?"

"I heard what the people said, dear. Tell me you didn't befriend someone you clearly know you shouldn't."

mother couldn't be more discreet, but her words are enough to point who she was directing it towards; Luocha.

I myself haven't tread on any Path, I haven't had the time to do so. It was clearly neutral on my stance but mother would never accept me as neutral. For her, I am to follow Father and her, I shall one day hold their legacy of being a part of The Hunt... (which I really don't want to as of now).

"Ma... you really want to trust what a random person on the street said about me?" I asked, hoping she would come to her senses and at least believe what I said. I don't need random strangers to bring catastrophe to my family and I; we're already rocky as it is. This just adds fuel to the fire.

Though I couldn't help but feel that she'd trust a random person on the street rather than her own child. I wouldn't be surprised if she does. I clasped my hands together, my thumb subconsciously rubbed the back of my hand.

"I couldn't help it! I... I thought its insane for you to pull that stunt. I know no daughter of mine would befriend an Abundance, not you..." she glanced at me, her gaze as sharp as a sword. "... right?"

One thing my parents have taught me well is not to lie... But Luocha hasn't done anything wrong for me to cut ties with as of now. I bit my lip as I carefully picked my words. Maintaining eye contact with her is necessary in this endeavour. A small slip up is enough for mother to catch on. I don't want to risk both my friendship and family on such small matters.

"You know me better than most, ma. Put some faith in me, will you?"

A  strong air of silence wafted through the air before a sigh could be heard from her, a sigh of relief. She placed a hand on my shoulder, a small strained smile graced her lips. Somehow the act was not at all comforting, but she seemed to buy what I said.

"I do know you the best, my child. That's why I'm willing to let this go and trust you. I know that you will not break my trust. ever."

....Oh mother, I really hope this is the end to our discussion on this matter. I hate to break the fondness I feel surrounding Luocha to her. He was a warm light in the days where darkness had been my only friend. I know the next time she opens this discussion, it wouldn't be a good one.

and with a returning smile, I nodded at her.

"Certainly, ma."

HIM . 𝐥𝐮𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐚Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang