iii. second time

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The second time Luocha and I met is during the night. I worked overtime and was responsible to close the store. Working at a fragrance store isn't really ideal for a lot of people, but I have always loved the smell of fragrances ever since I was a child. I'd try on my mother's when she wasn't looking, only to get caught when I spray too much on myself.

Sure the pay wasn't the best, but I enjoyed picking fragrances for people and giving them which one suits them best. I find joy in these types of things.

When I was in the middle of closing up the store, I heard the door creaked open, the bell on the door jingled to let me know a new customer came by. I frantically ran towards the counter as I was busy cleaning up the store room, and to my surprise I found the person I least suspected to see at my closing shift.

"Luocha?" His name rolled off my tongue in a surprise. The store is closing, did he want to buy a fragrance this late?

"Y/N, my apologies for coming by so late," he bowed curtly, the white coffin behind him followed him suit which surprised me. "I heard you worked at a fragrance store, so I decided to come by."

For what reason, I wonder? I could help him choose a fragrance but I already cleaned up the whole store (minus the storage room).

"Well, if you're looking for a fragrance maybe you can drop by tomorrow? I'm sorry." I tapped my fingers on the counter, glancing at him to see he was unfazed. Quickly I added, "I'm almost done cleaning up the store."

"Well its reasonable that I came by on the closing shift. There's no need to worry though, as I didn't come by for the fragrances," he told me, a smile on his face. Ah yes, the calming smile. Somehow I felt at ease whenever he presented me his smile.

"Well, we didn't sell anything other than fragrances..."

"I mean to say I was hoping to see you once more," he said calmly, though after realising his words he added, "if you don't mind, that is."


How very odd... I was surprised for sure, the person who I deemed are mutually strangers with me wants to meet me the second time? I wonder why so. I have nothing to offer except for awkward exchanges and selling fragrance. There's no way he finds it intriguing to speak with a person like me.

Either way, I offered a smile in return. I couldn't refuse if he has something to share with me. Maybe he wants to get us another type of tea this time around?

"I don't mind, don't worry," I shook my head, proving my insistence.

And so, we end up taking a walk right after. Closing in to midnight, there were fewer people than usual on the streets. People who just got off work like me, people who likes walking around at night, people who needs some midnight air, those are typically the type of people roaming around at these hour.

Luocha and I fall under those types of people, of course.

It still seems surreal, Luocha and I. those words next to each other felt like something out of my mind, only I can think of. But alas we're really here, walking side by side under the moonlight. I wonder what made him look for me to this extent? Confused I am, but I have no courage to ask as of now.

Still, just being beside him made me feel warm, and at ease. Though the painstaking tension is still there, its a lot less than before. All these adds up more to the feeling I've been having since before exchanging words. The intrigue, the need to know about him more, the attraction I felt towards him, the pull. It's way stronger now than it is before.

"You felt it too, haven't you?" Luocha asked as he walked beside me.

I tilted my head, the question came out of nowhere, but it certainly does pull me out of my mind.

"What is?"

"Hmm... the pull," nonchalantly, he replied. This man never fail to make me surprised. "Its the reason why I decided to ask you that question the other day."

He took a few more steps ahead of me before stopping, refusing to turn around to meet my gaze.

"I was so sure we met before," he uttered, something about his voice felt distant this time, as if talking to the wind. I kept my silence, as my gaze never left his figure.

"Though it may be a mistake on my end..." he paused, turning around to meet my gaze. "... I can only hope my curiosity doesn't kill anyone." yet again.

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