xv. the bag

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The bag. The paper bag I found in front of the store before I seemingly passed out. There was something inside, and I remember wanting to check what's inside before that thing happened...

I was resting in the spare room when I suddenly remember about the bag. With me waking up at a new place and seeing Luocha, the thought of what's inside the bag completely drifted past my mind. It wasn't until I was at the brink of dozing off when the bag suddenly appeared in my mind.

I knew I have it with me when I passed out, but it was nowhere in the living room when I woke up. Luocha found me, maybe he has it with him? That could be a possibility.

I immediately sat up on the small, twin sized bed; feeling a slight vertigo from how fast I sat up. I'm still in my old clothes, I couldn't bring myself to ask him for clothes to change into. I'm already crashing in his place, to ask for spare clothes... Ah, I couldn't do it. I peeked outside, glancing at the living room to see no one outside but Hui. The dog was napping peacefully; wish I could do that. I closed the door quietly behind me and went to the living room. My eyes scanned for every corner, looking for the paper bag that I had with me. If its not outside here, then I'll have to ask Luocha about it. Maybe I could take another peek on his room as well.

That flower... its exactly the same as the one I found in Lady Doppelganger's room. Though the flower back in that room had its glow dimmed, this one in Luocha's was glowing brightly. The shine was similar to the previous flower before I touched it. I wonder why he has it in his room... does it have anything to do with the research? mayhaps.

"woof...?" I could hear Hui's soft howl as he woke up from his nap. I went to pet his head, sending a small smile at him.

"sorry, boy. Didn't mean to wake you up..." I whispered. The dog leaned on my hand as hr gained more scratches on his head. "Mm... maybe you know where the paper bag is?"

Hui didn't respond to my question (of course) and lazily closed his eyes to continue his nap. I guess Hui's out of questioning for now. Not like he's capable of answering anyways. Well, Hui, take your nap. Other than Hui, the other person who would know where the bag is... of course its Luocha.

Somehow, getting Luocha out of his room felt off limits. He could be doing something important in there and I don't want to intrude. He did say for any inquiries, I could ask for him in his room....

I took in a deep breath. Ruffling Hui's golden furs for one last time, I stood up and went to Luocha's room. Somehow I felt nervous; his room seems like a very personal space for him, I really don't want to intrude. But then again, I need to find that paper bag, the fact that someone dropped it off when I'm the only one at the store... Its either something meant for me or someone was late for Seet Yan's delivery (she's quite the shopaholic when she wasn't too stressed with money). Either way, I had to check if it was mine or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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