xi. white

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A floral scent which became a general favourite due to how sweet it smelled like. Floral, sweet, white in colour. It would make total sense that this flower represents purity and elegance... something I would always remember as a flower suitable for Luocha. I remembered handing him a jasmine scented fragrance even when he refused to accept it.

I guess it somewhat made sense on why he refused to accept that flower. Something about a past research... but it was successful, wasn't it?


Oh, yeah. Ever since that day, Hui had been tagging me along. He even followed me home which was surprising for me. I guess he confused me with his past owner...? I'm still so confused. What is even happening right now?

I patted Hui's head subconsciously, to which he rested his head on my knees. I think he's enjoying it...? I didn't know much about dog language, so this was a first.

"Since when do you have a dog?" My coworker Seet Yan asked, giddily looking at the dog. I could tell she wanted to play with Hui...

.... But how do I tell her he's not really my dog?

"Found him in the middle of the street," I answered, my eyes paid close attention to the dog. "Too adorable to ignore."

"Can I play?" she scooted closer to me, a bright smile on her face as she watched me play with the Hui. A single nod is all it took for her to unleash her dog lover tendencies. I guess this could give me a break; Hui couldn't leave me alone even for a single second. Its like he's attached...

"Something on your mind, Y/N? you look distracted ever since you came in," Seet Yan asked, much to my dismay.

I shook my head in hipes to rid of my thoughts and stood up. "Its nothing, I guess I'm just tired."

"Being a dog owner is tough, huh?" She grinned. "If you need some time for yourself. you know who to babysit Hui with~"

"Not you, of course," I joked. to which she sends me a playful glare.

The rest of the shift was mediocre at best, nothing too exciting happened. Maybe there was a failed transactional purchase, maybe a kid ran around causing havoc, but that's normal stuff now. Both Seet Yan and I were so used to these things. Especially the one with kids... catching them running around felt like a breeze now.

Night fall came and Seet Yan was the one to close the store. I said my goodbyes and with Hui right beside me, I made my way back towards home.

Or at least that's what I wanted to do.


hui nudged towards the alleyway; the last time I followed him was when he brought me to his last owner's messy home.

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