1. Royal Protection

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Prince Charles Leclerc was sitting at his mahogany desk, surrounded by books and maps of Monaco, when the knock came at his office door. He called for the person to enter, expecting it to be one of his many advisors or assistants as he continued studying for the upcoming function.

To his surprise, it was his father, the King of Monaco. The King walked in and closed the door behind him, his gaze fixed intently on his son. Something important was clearly on his mind.

"Charles, we need to talk."

Charles frowned, intrigued. "What's the matter?"

"I received some disturbing intelligence about a possible threat to your safety at the upcoming function," the King said.

"Threat? What sort of threat?" Charles asked, his curiosity piqued.

"We're not sure yet," the King admitted, "but we can't take any risks when it comes to your safety. As your father and the king of Monaco, it's my duty to ensure that you're protected at all times."

Charles felt a surge of anger. "I don't need protection, Father. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Normally, I would agree with you," the King said, "but in this case, I think it's best that we don't take any chances. That's why I've decided to hire a bodyguard to accompany you to the function."

"A bodyguard? No way!" Charles said, feeling his temper flare.

"Unfortunately, I don't see any other option," the King said, his voice gentle but firm. "I've already hired the best in the business, and he'll be at your side at all times. I know you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, Charles, but everyone needs a little help from time to time."

Charles sighed, feeling defeated. "Fine. But I don't want him to interfere with my duties, Father. I don't want to be seen as weak or vulnerable."

"I understand your concerns, Charles. We'll make sure that he stays in the background and doesn't get in the way. You won't even know he's there."

Charles nodded, knowing that his father always had his best interests at heart. "Alright, Father. You win. But I don't have to like it."

"Certainly," the King said, sensing his son's reluctance to accept the situation. "I know this isn't something you want, Charles, but I don't want to take any chances. Monaco relies on you as its future leader, and I won't let anything happen to you."

Charles nodded, realizing that his father had a point. "I understand, Father. I'll do as you say."

"Good," the King replied with a small smile. "You're a smart and capable young man, Charles, but even the most capable people need protection from time to time. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Charles couldn't deny the wisdom in his father's words, but he couldn't help feeling annoyed and frustrated with the situation. He had always prided himself on being independent and self-sufficient, and the thought of having someone shadow him at all times made him feel uncomfortable.

However, despite his misgivings, Charles knew that he had to put his own feelings aside and do what was best for himself and his country. After all, the function was an important event that could have serious implications for Monaco's future, and he couldn't afford to let anything get in the way of his duties.

"Okay, Father," Charles said, steeling himself for the task ahead. "When is the bodyguard arriving?"

"He'll be here tomorrow morning," the King said. "I know this isn't the most ideal situation, but I promise you, he's the best in the business. He'll be discreet and professional, never getting in your way unless absolutely necessary."

Charles nodded, feeling a sense of begrudging gratitude towards his father. It wasn't often that he admitted he needed help, but in this case, it seemed as though he had no other choice.

"Alright, Father," Charles said. "I'll do my best to cooperate with the bodyguard and not let him get in the way."

"Good. I'm glad to hear it," the King replied, smiling. "I just want you to know that I'm doing this for your own safety, Charles. Monaco needs you."

Charles sighed, feeling a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on him. He knew that the function was a crucial moment for Monaco, and that it was his duty to represent his country to the best of his ability.

"I understand, Father," he said. "I'll do everything in my power to make sure the function goes smoothly."

"Good," the King said, turning to leave. "I'll leave you to your studies now. Remember, Charles. Safety comes first."

Charles turned back to his books, feeling both resigned and resentful. He knew his father was right, but he didn't want to be forced into something that made him look weak. He had a reputation to uphold, and a bodyguard wasn't going to help him do that.

As the King turned to leave, he paused and laid a hand on Charles's shoulder. "Trust me, Charles. You'll be glad to have him by your side if anything were to happen."

Charles nodded, feeling a wave of apprehension wash over him. The upcoming function was already high pressure, and the thought of having to deal with a bodyguard on top of everything else was almost too much to bear.

But he couldn't deny the small flicker of curiosity that had sparked within him at the mention of a possible threat. He had always been a thrill-seeker at heart, and the thought of danger was strangely exciting to him.

As he turned back to his books, Charles couldn't help but wonder what kind of adventure lay ahead. Little did he know, it was going to be far more dangerous and exciting than anything he could have imagined.

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