12. A little bit of peace

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They were exhausted. The only refuge they found was an abandoned alley. It wasn't the safest place, but it was their only option at the moment.

As they laid on the cold concrete floor, Charles tried to start a conversation with Max to ease the tension between them.

"Max, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It was uncalled for."

Max didn't respond and kept his back turned towards Charles. However, he had been waiting for Charles to apologize and was relieved he finally did.

"I mean it, Max. I understand the severity of our situation, and I can't imagine doing this without you."

Max took a deep breath, and after a moment of silence, he replied, "I appreciate the apology, Your Highness. But please do not forget that words have the power to hurt even the strongest of us. Being a royal does not give you the liberty to disrespect or belittle others."

Charles hung his head in shame, realizing that his words could have hurt Max more than he thought.

"You're right, Max. I apologize. I'll make it up to you when this is all over."

Max finally turned towards Charles, nodding his head in acceptance. "We'll talk about it when everything is over. Right now, let's focus on getting out of here alive."

Charles smiled faintly, relieved that Max was no longer upset with him. They both had a long way to go, but they knew that their bond as protector and protection would get them through it.

Max noticed Charles shivering and knew that he had to do something to help him get comfortable. Despite the difficult circumstances, Max had kept his guard up and had to think on his feet to make sure that Charles stayed safe. 

 Max took off his jacket and handed it to Charles. "Here, Your Highness. Take my jacket. It'll keep you warm."Charles looked up at Max in surprise. 

"But Max, you're only wearing a t-shirt. What will you wear now?" 

 "It's okay, Your Highness. I can manage. You need to stay warm or you'll get sick," Max replied.Charles felt a sense of guilt and admiration towards Max. 

He knew that Max had always put his safety first, even before his own."Thank you, Max," Charles said as he put on the jacket. "I hope you get some rest if you can." 

Max smiled. "Don't worry about me. I'll keep watch."

It was a cold night, and the alleyway provided little comfort or warmth. But with Max keeping a watchful eye, Charles felt safe enough to close his eyes and rest. 

 As the night wore on, Charles couldn't help but think about the events that had led him to this place. He had always been aware of the dangers surrounding his position, but he had never thought it could come to this.He thought about his family, his country, and his subjects. He prayed for their safety and promised himself that he would do whatever it took to protect them, no matter the cost.

As the night got colder, both Charles and Max tried their best to get some rest. They were tired, but the hard concrete floor and the lack of proper shelter weren't conducive to a comfortable night's sleep. 

 As the hours passed, Charles could feel the chill growing inside him. He had the jacket that Max had given him, but it wasn't enough to keep the cold at bay. He wrapped his arms around his chest, trying to generate some warmth. 

Max was exhausted, but sleep wouldn't come. He had been laying on his side, staring blankly into the darkness, his ears alert for any sounds that could signify danger. Suddenly, he heard a sound, a faint rumbling from somewhere nearby. His body tensed, and he froze, listening intently. 

Then he realized what it was. It was snoring, loud and persistent. He rolled onto his back and looked over at Charles.He saw Charles lying on his back, his chest rising and falling with each snore. 

The occasional snort or whistle escaped his nose, but otherwise, he was completely unaware of his own noise.Max couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. He shook his head and chuckled again. 

He could never have imagined that the Prince, with all his poise and refinement, would be such a loud snorer.And yet, the more he looked at Charles, the more he realized how endearing the snoring was. 

Charles looked so peaceful, so vulnerable, despite the harsh conditions they were in. And he knew that he would do everything in his power to protect him.Max felt a pang of emotion welling up inside him, a feeling he could barely describe. 

He knew that he cared deeply for Charles, that he respected and admired him. But he couldn't allow himself to feel anything more than that. The gulf between them was too wide, and he couldn't allow himself to entertain romantic thoughts about the Prince.

As they slept, they unconsciously moved closer to each other, seeking warmth and comfort. Charles found himself lying close to Max's side. He could feel the warmth emanating from Max's body, and it felt comforting. 

For Max, having Charles so close was reassuring. It allowed him to relax a little, and he didn't feel quite as vulnerable. As they slept, the world around them continued to be a dangerous place. But in that moment, both Charles and Max found some solace in the closeness they shared.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. The book is almost finished.

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