4.The unwilling prince

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With Max now assigned to protect him, Charles headed out of his room and into the grand dining room for breakfast. Max had already risen early and was ready for the day ahead. He had slept in the room next to the Prince, and had heard him wake up, get dressed in a suit, and head out of the room.

As Charles made his way to the table for breakfast, he still couldn't shake off the unease he felt around Max. He couldn't understand why his father had chosen a military man to protect him. A result, he was dismayed at the thought of having to spend the day with Max.

During breakfast, the prince said very little, barely touching his food. He shot Max a few cold glares, which Max was used to receiving from his clients. He had helped protect many high-profile individuals who initially had their reservations about him before eventually warming up to him.

After breakfast, Charles started his day, with Max close by his side at all times, monitoring the crowds for any threats. Throughout the day, Max's background proved to be useful amid the heightened tensions. He scanned the area, and patrolled around the venue.

Charles couldn't help but feel irritated by Max's presence, feeling like he was being watched by a hawk. Despite this, Max remained professional throughout the day, doing his job with precision and dedication.

Prince Charles of Monaco reluctantly headed to the function, surrounded by a throng of well-dressed attendees. He was still feeling uneasy about having Max, as his bodyguard. Charles feared Max would be too confrontational and didn't appreciate his father's insistence that Max was the best out there.

As they arrived at the function venue, Max took up position next to the prince, scanning the crowds for any potential risks. He had his eyes coupled with his military training, always on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary.

The function started off normally, with people mingling and enjoying the atmosphere. Then it was time for Prince Charles to take the stage and deliver his speech.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Charles began. "I'm honored to be here with all of you tonight. Our city has become a global hub for innovative technology and cutting-edge science, and I'm delighted to see so many of you here today, sharing our vision for a brighter and more prosperous future."

Charles went on to describe a few of the new scientific developments taking place in Monaco, some of which had the potential to change the world. Max watched from the sidelines, his trained eye scanning the crowds for any nefarious activity.

Suddenly, the doors to the function burst open, and a group of protesters stormed in, shouting and carrying signs. They were advancing towards the stage, interrupting Charles' speech.

"Stop the speech! Stop the speech!" they shouted.

The bodyguards sprang into action, immediately surrounding Prince Charles and hustling him out the back of the building. Without hesitation, Max positioned himself between Charles and the protesters, creating a shield while shouting orders to his team. They swiftly formed a human barrier, protecting the prince from any potential harm.

The protesters continued to yell, waving their signs and chanting slogans. Max stood firm, keeping the crowd at bay while managing to keep Charles out of harm's way.

"You can't silence us! We won't stand for your lies!" one protester yelled.

Max remained calm and focused, keeping his eyes on the crowd and his team in check. He didn't want things to escalate any further. After a few tense moments, the situation was brought under control, and the protesters were escorted off the premises.

As the function came to an end, Charles approached Max and said, "I have to say, I was wrong about you. You're a true professional. Thank you for keeping me safe."

Max accepted the compliment with a nod. "It's my job, Your Highness. And I take it very seriously."

"Max, can I ask you something?" Charles said. "Of course, Your Highness."

"Why did you become a bodyguard?"

Max paused for a moment, then replied, "I served in the military for many years, and I felt like I needed to continue serving my country even after I left the armed forces. Being a bodyguard allows me to use my training and expertise to help protect people like you, Your Highness."

Charles nodded. "I see. I didn't realize that you had such a sense of duty. I can respect that."

"Thank you, Your Highness. It means a lot coming from you," Max replied, feeling a sense of pride.

Although Charles barly show it, he was relieved to have someone with Max's experience and skill to protect him. As much as he resented having to have someone watch his every move, he knew that it was necessary given his high-profile status.

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