14. One last kiss

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Max and Charles found themselves surrounded by heavily armed terrorists within the palace walls. The situation was dire, and their only chance of survival was to fight their way out.

"What are we going to do?" Charles asked. He looked around, there was no way out.

"We are going to fight," Max pulled out his gun and took cover behind a pillar, while Prince Charles ducked behind a nearby couch. The terrorists were closing in on them, and Max knew he had to act fast.

"You really think you can win against us?" A terrorist scoffed, a cruel smirk forming on his lips. "Just give us the prince, and we will let you go." 

 Max, firm and unwavering, locked eyes with the terrorist leader. The weight of his responsibility to protect Prince Charles was etched on his face. "Never," he declared with conviction, his voice steady and resolute.

 Without hesitating, Max swiftly aimed his gun at the terrorist  and took a calculated shot. The sound of gunfire echoed through the room as the bullet found its mark, striking the leader in the arm.

 The terrorist leader staggered back, his face contorted in pain, while the others reacted with a mix of shock and fury

The bodyguard quickly calculated the number of attackers and assessed the situation. He realized that there were too many terrorists, and he couldn't take them all down alone. He needed to create a distraction, and that's when he noticed a vase on the nearby table.

Max picked up the vase and hurled it towards the terrorists. The vase shattered on the ground, creating a loud noise that distracted the attackers. Max took advantage of the chaos, jumped from behind the pillar, and started to fire his gun.

The terrorists were taken aback by Max's sudden assault, giving Prince Charles an opening to make a move. Charles picked up a lamp from the tabletop and, with all his strength, smashed it onto the head of one of the terrorists.

"Thank you," He looked at the Prince, who looked at what he just did. "No, problem." He stuttered, Shaken by everything that was happening.

Max was impressed by Charles' bravery, but he also knew that he had to protect the prince. The bodyguard continued to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the attackers while Charles looked for an opening to help.

The terrorists were many, but Max was fast and lethal. He took down one attacker after another. However, the terrorists were smart, and they started to coordinate their attack, which quickly overwhelmed Max.

One terrorist was about to strike Max from behind when Charles saw the danger and took quick action. He picked up a nearby sword and took a wild sweep at the attacker, striking him in the arm.

Max, grateful for Charles's help, took down the terrorist and dragged the prince towards the exit. The two made their way through the palace hallways, fighting off the terrorists that crossed their path.

The bodyguard was bruised and battered, but he was grateful to have saved the life of the prince. Charles was shaken but relieved to have made it out alive.

Only the peace didn't last long.

As Max and Prince Charles sprinted towards the exit, a terrorist managed to sneak up behind them, taking aim at the prince. Time seemed to slow down as Max's instincts kicked in. Pushing Charles with all his might, he threw himself in front of the deadly gunfire.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the halls as the bullet ripped through Max's body, leaving him crumpling to the ground in agony. Prince Charles was overcome with shock and horror, frozen in disbelief at the sight before him.

 Charles stumbled backward, his heart racing as he watched Max fall to the ground, a bullet in his chest. The prince's mind raced, and all he could think was that he had to save Max.

Panicked, Charles rushed to Max's side, tears streaming down his face as he cradled the bodyguard's head in his lap. "Max, please don't leave me," he begged, his voice trembling.

Struggling to speak through the pain, Max weakly whispered, "Your Highness... you need... to... go... leave me."

"No! I can't just leave you here to die!" Charles pleaded, his voice trembling with grief.

Max weakly smiled, mustering all his remaining strength. "You... you must survive... You're the hope... the future... of our kingdom. I... I've always... believed in you."

Tears streaming down his face, Charles squeezed Max's hand tightly, his voice choking with emotion. "I... I can't do this without you, Max. Please... please don't leave me."

Max's breaths became shallower, his energy waning. He mustered his last ounce of strength to comfort the prince. "You're... strong... Your fate... is in your hands now. Protect... the people..."

Max coughed, blood spilling from his lips as he tried to speak. "I'm sorry My King," he managed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I tried to protect you."

The prince shook his head, his eyes wide with horror and disbelief. "No, no, Max, you can't leave me," he pleaded. "I love you."

"I love you too, My King."  With those final words, Max's hand slipped from Charles' grasp, and his eyes closed peacefully. The bodyguard had given his life for the prince he swore to protect.

"Please," Charles choked out "Please,  don't die."

But it was too late. Max's eyes fluttered closed, and he took his last breath. Charles sat there, frozen with grief, holding Max's lifeless body in his arms.

He cupped Max's face one last time, planting a kiss on his cold lips. One last kiss.

"Rest in peace, my love," he whispered, tears still streaming down his face. "I'll never forget you."

The End

A/N: Oops......

PS: I have an epilogue published.

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