8.A case of mistake identity

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Max and his team moved quickly through the abandoned warehouse, their eyes scanning the dark corners for signs of Prince Charles. They knew that they had to move fast – the longer he was in the hands of his kidnappers, the more danger he was in.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the empty building. Max and his team froze, their weapons at the ready.

The footsteps grew louder, and Max soon realized that they were not the only ones in the building. He motioned for his team to stay quiet and stay hidden.

Suddenly, a group of police officers burst into the room, guns drawn. They pointed their weapons at Max and his team, shouting orders for them to surrender.

Max and his team were caught off guard. They had not expected anyone else to be in the building, tending to the police's presence.

"Drop your weapons and put your hands up!" one of the officers shouted.

"We're not the terrorists! We're here to rescue Prince Charles!" Max shouted back, trying to reason with the officers.

But the police officers were not listening. In their minds, Max and his team looked like the terrorists. They moved quickly to apprehend them.

The situation escalated quickly. Some of Max's team tried to run, but they were tackled to the ground by the police officers. Others were arrested on the spot.

Max and Liam managed to escape the police, taking advantage of a brief moment of confusion to slip away.

"We have to find Prince Charles," Max said to Liam, as they hurried through the building.

"I know," Liam replied grimly. "But how are we going to get past the police?"

Max thought for a moment. Then he had an idea. "Follow my lead," he said.

Max slipped out of his suit jacket and handed it to Liam. "Put this on," he said. "You look more like a lawyer than I do."

Liam looked at Max skeptically. "What are you going to do?"

Max nodded towards a nearby door. "I'll create a distraction. You go talk to the police and try to convince them that we're not the terrorists."

Liam nodded, slipping on Max's jacket. They exchanged a look of understanding before splitting up.

Max moved quickly towards the door, taking a deep breath before pushing it open.

As he stepped outside, he saw the police officers looking over their prisoners. He took a deep breath, then began sprinting in the opposite direction.

The police officers took off after him, running as fast as they could. Max knew that he had to lead them away from Liam and towards a different part of the building.

He ran as fast as he could, dodging debris as it came his way. The police officers were gaining on him, but Max was determined not to let them catch him.

Finally, Max spotted a door that was slightly ajar. It led to a staircase that led upwards. He pushed the door open and ran up the stairs, hoping that the police were not far behind him.

At the top of the stairs, he saw a light in the distance. He moved towards it, hoping that it was Prince Charles.

As he drew closer, he saw that the light was coming from a small room at the end of the hallway. He moved towards it, his heart pounding in his chest.

When he reached the doorway, he saw Prince Charles sitting in a chair, his hands tied behind his back. A group of men surrounded him, their weapons trained on him.

Max knew that he had to act fast. He moved stealthily towards the group, catching them off guard.

"Drop your weapons!" Max shouted, pulling out his own gun. "You're surrounded!"

The men turned towards him, their eyes widening in surprise. Max saw his opportunity and charged forward, taking them down one by one.

In the chaos, Prince Charles was freed from his bonds. He stumbled, catching his balance before looking up at Max.

"Max!" he exclaimed. " You came."

"Of course, Your Highness," Max said, helping Prince Charles to his feet. "We're getting you out of here. It's not safe."

They started towards the door, but it was blocked by the police officers who had been chasing Max.

"Hands up!" one of the officers ordered.

"I am not the kidnappers," Max protested. "I am here to rescue Prince Charles."

The police officers didn't seem to believe them and started moving forward, slowly closing in on the duo.

Max got into a defensive stance, ready to protect Prince Charles. Suddenly, one of the officers lunged at him, and Max reacted quickly, swinging his fist and knocking the officer out.

The other officers started closing in again, and a fierce brawl ensued. Max fought to protect Charles, but in the chaos, he was hit in the leg, causing him to stumble briefly.

Prince Charles, who had been leaning against a nearby wall for support, saw Max's injury and immediately went to him, offering his own support.

Max gritted his teeth and kept them moving forward, his determination to get Prince Charles to safety giving him the strength to carry on. He tried not to show any pain, but Prince Charles could see it in his eyes.

They fought their way through the police officers and managed to escape the scene. Max picked up Prince Charles in his arms, carrying him to safety.

Despite his injury, Max refused to let Prince Charles down. He carried him all the way to safety, not once stopping or faltering.

As they emerged into the cool night air, Max exhaled deeply. They had made it out alive, and Prince Charles was safe.

Not a lot later, Max received a call from the King. "Max, did you get  Charles? Is he safe?" the King asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Max replied. " I was able to rescue him. We had to fight our way out of the building, but we made it out safely."

"Good work, Max," the King said, relief evident in his voice. "You and  Charles don't need to return to the palace just yet. The terrorists still have it surrounded, and it's not safe. I'm glad you're there to protect him. Keep him safe, Max, and please keep me updated."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Max replied, his loyalty to the crown unwavering. "I'll keep him safe, I promise."

A/N: Hello, I am having a writers Block, so it is going to take some time for a new chapter. I hope you can understand.

Also if you have any ideas for this book let me know please.

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